Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Thunder Road Revisited


Here's my first post to Lotsa Flies. I think we're going to like it-- the ability to comment on our own and each others' posts should be fun, and I like having the subject lines display and be indexed. Many good things.

It rained all bloody day, getting torrential by late afternoon-- even some thunder and lightning. We do not expect this sort of thing this time of year.

I didn't go out shopping, but I did start working at 15 minute stints toward getting Christmas on the road. Got all the boxes broken down and taken out, and a huge bag of trash taken out. (Hurt my back doing this, alas, plus a nasty cardboard cut.)

Also got the desk in the library cleared off, some stuff shifted around, and the snow scene set up. Tried incorporating the new dictionary stand we got last year as a sort of ski slope, but I'm not happy with the result-- it just takes up too much space that can't be used to put stuff on. The flatlands are way too crowded for my taste. (The scene has been suffering from urban blight for some time-- too much town, not enough wildnerness.) And way too many characters. I had to banish about 10 of the wax ones to other spots in the house so they wouldn't be cheek by jowl.

Cleared the area for the tree, got out the stand, the bucket, and the waterproof under-rug. Will try to get out to get a tree tomorrow sometime. Bill tells me he needs to go into work tomorrow, and I have to food shop, so not sure how that is going to work out.

Oh yeah, I also got the sheets and towels changed and laundered in between the other stuff. Looking back on what I said I needed to do yesterday, I actually did pretty well. Even got the Christmas card address list updated and printed out-- all ready to start addressing envelopes tomorrow.

I had enough stuff in the house that needed to be used to make a meal. I fixed Lamb Chops with Pomegranate Red-Wine Sauce from Dec 05/Jan 06 Fine Cooking (Q&D), but used lamb leg slices instead of rib chops. It wasn't that great, but I think that's because I didn't cook it over high enough heat, and rib chops would have been better. Also made Bill's favorite Mexican Cole Slaw, and my favorite Orange/Cuke/Radish Salad, so we were well fed.

Forgot there was football this afternoon-- missed the early game (Tampa/NE) but caught most of the Giants/Chiefs game (go Tiki!) and am casually monitoring Denver/Buffalo. Another season almost over.

[Vacation symbol]
Saturday, June 28, 1952
180th Day--186 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
We cleaned up the front room real good today even to polishing the furniture and putting flowers and stuff around. We went to the show and saw "The Wizard of Oz" For the Third time. It was better than ever tho. They had the Hit Parade on the Ship United States tonite. "Kiss of Fire" is still first. Today it has drizzled off & on. Suzy

[Vacation symbol]
Sunday, June 29, 1952
181st Day--185 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
It was raining this morning, but this afternoon it was Hot. We went down to Joyce's this morning for a while. This afternoon we saw "California Conquest" starring Cornell Wild and Teresa Wright. Also "Bells on their Toes" (sq. to C. by Dozen) starring Jeanne Crain, Myra Loy, Debra Paget, Jeff Hunter, Edward Arnold & Barbara Bates. Mom & Dad went to see it tonite.


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