Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Pop the Cork


Sorry I don't have a picture to post tonight-- it's nice to see one at the top of the blog. I'm writing this on my laptop, and it doesn't have a stash of pix to choose from. I took a picture of the snowscene with my phone last night, but apparently made a mistake when I attempted to mail it to myself. Always something.

Got out to do the food shopping this afternoon, in miserable weather: upper 40's, persistent drizzle. At least we don't have to worry about fires-- everything is very soggy, and our swale is full once more.

I made Salmon with Orange Mustard Sauce from EdF 27-- very nice, and very easy. A good thing to have in the warm weather months, as it uses the mike. (Not so good on a Sunday, when the mike prevents TV-watching on the kitchen tube.

Speaking of which, the Colts finally lost. I'm glad, because I love the annual tradition of the Miami Dolphin players of '72 popping the champagne corke-- though at this point, it's just a myth perpetuated by ESPN. I loved that team. We didn't watch the game, as the Jags game was a lot more meaningful for us. Ordinarily I would pull for the 'Niners, but this one didn't mean anything for them. Quite a day-- the Skins dismantled Dallas! How sweet it is...

I have a dentist appt at 9:40 in the morning, so will keep this short. It's the long-delayed cleaning. I'll have to leave extra-early, as they have the streets badly torn up between here and there. In fact, for the next six months it will be impossible for us to get anywhere in Gaiesillve withouth horrendous traffic jams; we're just in the wrong place.

After dentist, I have a work-related holiday lunch downtown, then I plan to take the rest of the week as vacation.

Did not get a tree today, nor did Bill go to work as planned. Not sure when this will happen now. Didn't get started on addressing the cards either, so things are behind on all fronts. But judging from what Mom says, plus our own experience, it seems endemic.

Will pick up with the 52 diary again tomorrow.


At 8:08 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

How do you get things in color (e.g., Diry)? I want to post recipes in red, if I can. Then they'd be easier to find. There should also be a code of some kind to put in the title, so recipes are easier to retrieve.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Marty said...

I am behind on cards, too. I have some nice pictures of all of us this year, and I'm planning on getting most of them in the mail today (if I can get them done while at work!) so they may be a little late. They will be Holiday cards, not Christmas cards. Did get the tree up and decorated, all but a little shopping done, so all in all not too bad. Lots of stuff going on in the evenings this week - Julia has two hockey games and a chorus concert - so some extra things may fall by the wayside. Oh, well.


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