Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Radio Radio


We got some rain today too, and likewise, not nearly enough. Not nearly as hot as it was yesterday. Made it bearable to wear jeans, t-shirt and lace-up shoes again.

All caught up with the week's Blessings. In addition to changing the sheets, Bill turned the mattress, and I washed the mattress pad, both long overdue. It will be an especially fresh and clean bed we drop into tonight.

It was cook enough to cook tonight. The shrimp ring I bought yesterday was a large size (all they had) so I had half of it to use up today. I changed plans and made Leanne's Spicy Spanish Shrimp-- it called for raw shrimp, so I skipped sauteeing them at the start and just put them in at the last. It was a nice dish-- Bill and the cat both loved it. Had some yellow squash from last week I needed to use; sauteed them with mushrooms and onions. Cherries have appeared in the store again, which inspired a fruit salad of them, some canteloupe, honeydew and grapes. Nice meal.

Back to work in the morning. I can't say I accomplished everything that I set out to do this past week, but quite a bit. I especially love looking over at the six shelves (plus some overflow behind me) of my comics library. This is something I've been wanting to get done for a long time, and it feels wonderful as well as inspirational. I also got the main Library room decluttered; I'd had stacks of paper stuff that needed sorting there for weeks. All gone. Good Suze.

Thanks for the report on your outing, Mom. Great sounding food! Yes, you spelled edamame right-- I love it. I still want to try that particular recipe. I'll be taking it easy cooking-wise this week, though, easing back into the workday grind. If it's not too hot tomorrow night, I'm going to fix hot dogs that way you used to: stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon, then broiled. The one time I made these for Bill, he was enraptured. If it's too hot, though, I'll just plop them on some kraut and mike 'em.

Bill spent much of the weekend bonding with his Nano. In less than a week, he already has more loaded onto his 4GB unit than I've put on my 60GB one in over a year! I guess he likes it. Although sooner or later, we should probably consider switching units.

I, on the other hand, have started listening to the radio again. I recently discovered that there is now a Gainesville station I can stand to listen to for more then ten minutes-- FINALLY we have an alternative or "college" station (which I call "white boys whining," although I do love the stuff). I turned my car radio off sometime in 1996 when the only good radio station (the wonderful and dearly missed 97X, the next best thing to WHFS in Baltimore) was gobbled up by Clear Channel. I've listened to nothing but audio books ever since, until this week. It's good timing, actually, as I'm all out of taped books, and don't want to buy any more, since Moonbeam has only CD. I've probably "read" about two dozen books, which has been a wonderful experience. I'm considering putting a CD-player in Blue.


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