Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Solar Heroics


Happy Summer Solstice-- sometime mid-morning local time. At sunset, the sun shines into the house from the northwest at a particular angle I have tried to memorize. Maybe tomorrow night I will be able to draw a line across the floor.

Another glorious day at home, doing what I want to do. Which turned out to be compulsively reading Love and Rockets, vol. 2. I've reached the part of Hatfield's book where he covers the "Heartbreak Soup" (Palomar) arc, and I don't want to continue without having read it. Alas, it's 18 volumes long... and I can't bring myself to skip the "Locas" (Maggie and Hopey) stories either. This is a project that will take months. [happy sigh]

I had a big load of big white undies to fold this afternoon, which gave me the perfect excuse to FINALLY watch the Eroica DVD. Of course, I loved it. They did a remarkable thing, building the entire drama around its first performance, a dress rehearsal, little scenes with dialog fitted in here and there, but during the music itself, relying on amazing, wonderful face-acting of characters listening to or playing the music for the first time. I'm probably the only person who weeps through most of the first movement of this work, and only sporadically during the other three. Sandy, you'll love this too, and I'll be happy to lend you my copy after I watch it a few more times.

Best of all, I have a spanking-fresh copy of Symphony in E-Flat for the inner jukebox, and I'm astonished and how much detail had been lost. Note to self: Time to refresh other important copies.

Fixed actual Steak Diane for dinner, and it was a success with man and beast. Steamed asparagus and leftover cauli-rice on the side. It is still hideously hot, even inside, so even that much hot food was not much fun to fix or eat. Another note to self: Salads, baby, salads!

Thanks for the anniversary wishes, Mom. We too are very glad we settled on that particular plan for a wedding, and have nothing but happy memories of the whole event, which we remarked upon at length over dinner at Bonefish. Bill gave me a stunningly beautiful gold necklace-- it came in it's own little "theatre"-- you'll have to see it to understand. I gave him an iPod Nano-- a considerably more complicated gift! It's a toy, really, but he likes toys, and seems to be having fun with it. And... it's just so gosh-darn cute!

I burst out laughing at Dan's rant about bare legs vs black panyhose! And why was she was paying such close attention?! I'm guessing that she was referring to Bert in tonight's part of the letter where you have question marks-- it makes sense.

Enjoy your weekend at the Farm Central. More pictures, please!

I have a routine dentist appointment tomorrow morning. If I'd realized this sooner, I'd have moved it to a non-vacation day. That'll teach me to check my FL calendar more often-- it was there all the time. I've let that particular habit languish. At any rate, I must to bed. But first:

Okay, I want all the For Better or For Worse fans to take a look at this on the official FBoFW website. Just look at it for a bit, quietly. Tell me if it freaks you out.


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