Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, June 17, 2006



Okay, first things first: Chris' Gin & Tonics. I have stage fright because The Master himself reads this blog occasionally, and he will certainly be able to correct any errors. Of course, I can always claim that they are my own personal variations on a theme...

Take a lime. Put it on a cutting board. If it is smallish, cut it into quarters. If big, 6ths will do.

Take one medium-tall tumbler. Squeeze the lime piece over the empty glass, then rub the juicy part all around the rim of the glass. Toss what's left into the bottom or the glass.

Pour a shot (however you happen to define that-- for me that is 2 oz. YMMV) of the gin of your choice into the glass. Very important that the gin go in the glass BEFORE the ice.

Fill the rest of the glass with ice. Then fill whatever's left with tonic.

Serve and enjoy

[Sz Note: Subsequent rounds are served in the same glass, same order. Lime pieces build up in the bottom. Shot size remains the same, ice decreases, tonic decreases. Fun increases, at least for awhile...]

Not much of day here. Got up late, and things just got later from then on. But it turned out to be the perfect day to read Hicksville by Dylan Horrocks, which, due to the comics reorg, happened to be just sitting there in plain sight. I'd started it once before, but was not willing to take the time to figure out what the hell was going on. Today I took the time, and it was well worth it! Hicksville is a remote town in New Zealand where everyone takes comics Very Seriously Indeed. And where the ultimate comics libraries (two of them) reside. I need to make a trip to New Zealand. Didn't you and Dad go there once, Mom?

By the time I got out to shop, it was after 5:00, so we had things that needed no prep, let alone cooking: Sushi, shrimp ring, edamame in the shell, prefab salad. It was either that, or call for the pizza man. I think this worked better.

I forgot one part of my shopping list, which meant I had to get creative. As it turned out, I have the ingredients to make Penne with Eggplant, Tomato & Basil (I have some of the wonderful Dreamfields low carb pasta) and Seared Rib-Eye Steaks with Edamame & Garlic, from the famous FC #79 Q&D. Never mind that I already had edamame this week-- I'll get some more.

Sandy, I loved your farm pictures. I remember a classic picture of Pa, the happy farmer, standing in front of a pile of manure at the Farm in the early days. This image of you and the hay had the same feel. And it just astonishes me to see the peas just starting to bloom-- down here, we harvest peas in February, if at all. Do we even live on the same planet?

Mom, thanks for the letter from Dan. Yes, it is typical in so many ways. I feel the weight of her expectations, and how interesting that she is talking about perfectionism, yet being so ambivelant about it at the same time. I think FlyLady might have helped her too! What a concept.

More tomorrow.


At 6:56 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Huzzah! You got my photo reference! I was going to say it, then I decided to see if you saw it yourself. I wonder if I have a copy of that picture in my box entitled "too many photos." I think of it often and wish for that manure pile.


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