Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This & That


Nothing much happened with the storm here-- we didn't even get all that much rain. It continued wet and blustery all day today, and there's a good selection of little stuff down in the yard, but nothing major.

It was nice to not have to go to work. Bill, however, was not so lucky: He got a call around 10:00 this morning that the guy from the compact shelving company had arrived as scheduled from Michigan, so Bill had to go in and do the walk-through with him. He was gone most of the day. The joys of upper management.

Finished up An Atomic Romance this morning. Very disturbing. It made me think about you, Chris, and I'll bet it's one of the few novels ever to talk about dosimetry in any detail. (And thanks for checking in with details about early Nag's Head visits and your recent travels.)

I got back to work on gathering and organizing my comics collection. I've completely filled those two bookshelves right beside the door on the right as you come in-- and that's still not all of it! And of course it doesn't include the funny books, which are in bins. There is stuff piled up on a card table in here waiting to be shifted to somewhere else. It's quite a collection.

Also spent some time perusing the new books of comics criticism I got last week. The Hatfield is particularly wonderful. He not only writes well-- he thinks well, too. It's going to be a fun read.

Sandy, I forgot to say last night that there is a lot of buzz about Fun Home on both of my comics-related email lists. It seems to be the must-read comic this spring, so I will be picking it up soon. Also, I talked to Jana yesterday. She said planning for next year's UF conference is well underway, and guess who they're hoping to lure? Chris Ware!! I have my doubts that they'll succeed, as he is one hot property right now, but wouldn't that be fantastic?

Another day when you did all your routines, Mom. Fantastic! I'm especially glad you're taking the Baby Steps business seriously and not trying to do everything all at once. My timer is my friend.

I ate breakfast again, and made a concerted effort to drink a lot of water. It does seem to help with the headaches. I belatedly got both bathrooms and their floors done today, too.

It never got out of the low 70's (!) today, so a meal of all hot dishes was good, for a change: lamb chops, 'baga oven fries and blanched broccoli.

Our replacement Black Box (Bill says its generic name is "audio-visual receiver," but that fails to capture its awesome Star Ship interface and capabilities) arrived today. Bill has begun the arduous procedure of getting everything programmed and hooked up again. We will retire one of the two VCR's (the one that no longer records) and maybe the CD player, since the DVD player will do both. At any rate, the TV room is in a state of transition chaos second only to my study.

The past few days, Bill has been requesting Gin & Tonic instead of his usual Grandad on the Rocks. Alas, this was the day after I'd shopped, and I'd let the limes in the fridge get away from me-- had only one that was viable, and it was rather tired. I've managed to stretch it out over three days, but after tonight, it's gone. I use the G&T technique taught to me by Chris, and a fresh lime is essential.

One more day in the office, then I won't have to go in again until the 26th. I should be able to finish getting this phase of the home library reorg in shape. Another preview of the future, when my time is my own. It's not quite time to start tearing the square yet, but getting close.


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