Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Doggerel Happens


What a wasted day. Made me realize how much more productive I am at home than I was most days at work, at least in the last few years. The retirement party I went in for was in the late afternoon-- for the Director of Libraries, after 22 years. It was a nice party, and well attended-- large numbers of retirees, all of whom I know, showed up. Many of them did not realize I'm now among their number. It was exhausting, though-- talking to so many people in such a short period of time. By the end of the day I was literally talked out.

The early part of the day I'd planned to do some errands. I did none of them. I sat in Bill's office, using his work laptop, and did nothing but read comics, catch up on blogs (including following links) and play a few games. Having a Starbuck's in the building is just too handy, and Bill and I did lunch at the Copper Monkey. Haircut? Nah. Bank? No way. Credit Union? As if. Get set up to volunteer with the comics collection? Dream on. I will try again next Tuesday.

I hated like hell having to be up before 8:00, though. Horrible, hideous torture. Already dreading having to be up way earlier than that two weeks from today. The upside will be being able to sleep "late" the rest of the week, and still find it is early, local time. A few more other things out there to be enjoyed too, of course.

I remember the infamous pomander, Mom. I can't believe you still have that thing-- you really are a packrat! Those things are good for a year or two at most, and were supposed to freshen up drawers. I should use one of my fading oranges and box of old cloves to make another one-- it would definitely help things in the master bathroom, where ancient leaky plumbing and cheap particle board cabinets have made things unpleasant in there.

Does Kenny live somewhere in Los Altos now, that she can walk to Rancho every day? I remember them living in an Eichler house somewhere down toward the Bay.

Okay, I couldn't help seeing the strange little semi-rhyme in the previous paragraph. My brain couldn't leave it alone, and this resulted:

Does Kenny live somewhere in Los Altos now
Where she walks to the Rancho each day?
I remember they lived in a new Eichler house
That was somewhere down close to the Bay.



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