Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, March 31, 2006

dateline: Alameda: Friday

Some actual sun and a little blue sky today, rather a treat. Rain expected this afternoon, though.

I went up to Thea's yesterday morning at eleven; she was just finishing her breakfast. We talked a lot about family stuff, and I took some notes. I now have "Aunt Donie" firmly entrenched where she belongs. I also know where all this information is located (several places), so that's good. I've known before, really. The family bible is the best source of information.

While Thea was napping I went down to the Safeway on Broadway (by Broadway Terrace), then thought I 'd go back up by way of Pleasant Hill (south of the Safeway), since I knew it could be done. I turned left off it too soon, on Peidmont, and dead-ended at . . . . The Chapel of the Chimes. I'd never been there, there was a place to park, so I cruised on in. Asked at the desk where to find Herb and Grandpa (not knowing that the Jensens, and Grandma were also there). They gave me explicit instructions on little cards, a map, and off I went. I recommend this experience very strongly to my siblings and offspring. It's an amazing place. Reminds me a little of the Alhambra. It's a maze of beautiful rooms, gardens, fountains. Really extremely nice, particularly if one ignores the names of the rooms (we are in "Loving Kindness" and "Chapel of Consolation," and many of the names are way worse than that). Anyway I found Grandpa and then Herb. On the same wall as Herb I noticed that there was a pair of Jensens, but did not give it much thought, duh. It was LaLa and Fran, of course, as Thea later told me. Anyway, I was glad I went, and I'll go back.

Here's the best part: Thea hasn't been there since Herb died because she's been afraid they'd misspelled his middle name, Matthew, as they did in the obituary in the paper (I assume I've spelled it right here!). Anyway, she was relieved to know that they just put "Herbert M. Searing." so it's moot! That was actually one of the reasons I went in, once I'd accidentally found the place. Thea was very, very glad I'd been there. All of her arrangements are made and paid for long since.

As mom said, we ate at Angela's last night. It was very good, but rich. We've eaten one major restaurant meal for the last three days, and it gets to be a bit much. Today I'll cook at Thea's, and that will be a good break. Tomorrow we'll eat at the Fish Market in Palo Alto.

Thea is fine and chipper except for the Great Panama Controversy, which I will detail at another time. There's always something!


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