Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Short and Longer


Short version: Went back to work: Bummer. Came home: My favorite!

Slightly longer: Even though the meal was just reruns of yesterday's soup/salad, it still tasted fine, and I blanched some broccoli and put some other assorted leftovers out. Joe Cool appreciates the decluttering, and we ate well.

Yet another early morning tomorrow. I say: just pound on my head, put a cup of hot coffee next to me, and I'll launch into Morning Routines any time required.

Watched another ep of Battleship Galactica (#5) on my laptop-- a bit onorous dealing with the software and the headphones, but hey, it works. Next time I do this, I'll be sure I have a box of kleenex handy-- Starbuck escaping the moon crash landing after figuring out the bio-alien ship and being recovered... priceless. I'm hooked. And not doing any kind of justice to it for now.

I forgot my new resolve to eat breakfast early, and it rippled negatively all day long. Tomorrow I'll do better. On the plus side, I got one Blessing done tonight: swiffered the floors

We had four trees taken down today-- this has been a long time coming. Three of them were dead/dying, one of them dangerously so.

The other was a sweet gum right up against the north side of the house, leaning over the roof. It has been the main cause of our chronic plumbing woes, as it happily tapped into the septic tank drainage, plus this tree propogates by dropping nasty, prickly golf ball sized "gum balls" that are twisted ankles and worse waiting to happen. Now that it's gone, I see how much of the morning sun it blocked over my little plot of garden. Maybe this year I can get something growing there.

Morning Routines and Nordic today, Mom-- plus getting some planting done. Plus decent food. And still you found time to transcribe Aunt Dotty's travails. I'd say this was a day for you to be proud of.

Bed calls.


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