Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, May 22, 2006



My last day of freedom. For now. Got quite a lot done, and it makes me realize that whenever I have time off, I have to actually kick back for a few days and relax (vacation!) before I can settle into a groove of doing things. And about then, the week off is just about over. I truly look forward to the time when I won't have to think, "Right, I'll get that done tomorrow... D'oh! I have to WORK tomorrow!" like I did numerous times today. Just a little over 120 days from now, and I will kiss that mindset goodbye.

Got all the Blessings done. Went out on an errand/shopping trip, and made every stop on my list. I even made myself do some clothes shopping-- I have been listening to Leanne's sister, Mrs. Smarty Pants, and trying to get myself into some better clothes. Bill is delighted by this development. Just a couple of summer tops that actually fit, and a black summer jacket (ditto). I eispise clothes shopping, but I'm trying to think about it in a more positive manner. And use it as a springboard to just dump most of what I have in the closets now that I never wear. You were right, Sandy: I have WAY too many clothes. Problem is, when I go to all the effort to shop for them, why should I ever throw them away? Besides, they're history, blah blah. Most of my stuff is 20+ years old, some 30. Insane.

At B&N I belatedly discovered the Pullman section-- in science fiction. They had every book in every format of HDM-- but no criticism. I have let my Amazon shopping cart languish while I decide which to buy first. Meanwhile, I see Anne Tyler has a new one out, and the 5th volume of the complete Peanuts has hit the shelves too. Just what I need, more fookin' boooooks!

For dinner, decided at the last minute tonight to scrap the Plan A and do a Salad Nicoise-- I had some lovely leftover haricots verts, some hard boiled eggs, and half a baked potato. And of course, canned tuna is a mainstay of my two roommates. I tossed together quite a nice one, if I do say so myself. Had some steamed artichokes that, unlike recent efforts, actually came out RIGHT. I'd consulted the Net and found the California Artichoke Advisory Board site (!) and recalibrated my racial memories.

Thanks for more of Aunt Dottie's letters, Mom. Quite a fascinating insight into Dan's life during her last days. And can't believe you are getting freezes up there-- hideously hot and dry here.

Bill had a brutal day at an IT (information technology) "retreat" for the UF campus. And no coffee in the afternoon! (The Happy People of UF IT-topia do not NEED post-prandial caffeine.) He wonders why I am still sitting here typing when it's nearly 1:00 AM tomorrow. So do I.


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