Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Super Mom


Up to 550 each!! Amazing. You shame me-- the little voice inside says, "If your 80-something mother can do this, what's wrong with you?" I just need to turn this shame into inspiration. I have a perfectly good Nordic Track in the library closet, and it's not THAT hard to set up and take down... It is time for me to move my butt before Moving in May is over.

It's really good you're keeping up with your other routines too. I know I couldn't do without mine-- no matter how bad or discouraged I feel (especially about work), I still know what to do next, how to get a day started, how to do an orderly shut-down at night. It keeps me sane, and it always makes me feel better to be doing something.

I'm glad that something is being done about the uneven spots on your lawn-- the last thing you need is another broken leg! Please, always do take a crutch or cane or something when you venture out, and be very careful.

It's hot here at last-- in the 90's for the first time today. Bill took Blue in to get the muffler replaced and do another errand (mailing that Sony AV Box back a second time) and I took Moonbeam out solo for the first time, to shop. It is wonderful to drive! I love it. Still a lot to learn (I mastered the moon roof today) but I think I have the basics now. What a fun toy. It is awesome to have the driver's seat move automatically, and be able to adjust the outside mirrors from inside. Little things like this delight me.

I finished the His Dark Materials trilogy Friday morning. I didn't want it to end. I wish he would write some more books set in this world, but I know it would be a hard act to follow. Now I'm anxious to get some of the books about it, to extend and deepen the experience. Most excellent find, Sandy!

Now I need something else absorbing and escapist to read. I've started a sci fi trilogy by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter that is very promising: A Time Odyssey. Intriguing premise, and easy to read. Of course, I have stacks and stacks of stuff on the To Read pile, but it's important to find the right book at the right time.

I loved Aunt Dottie's story about Dan pulling her leg about the license renewal. Who knew she had such a warped sense of humor? Actually, I don't remember her having much of a sense of humor at all. And interesting about the "hush money" -- ah the things we do for a little peace of mind.

Going to go watch an episode of Battleship Galactica on my laptop now. Can't believe that I haven't found time to watch a single minute of TV or video the whole time I've been home.


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