Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dream Baby Dream


Instead of two days out of the office this week, turns out I will have NONE. Bill's tour of the new building will be tomorrow, so I need to go in for that. Then got email this morning that the Comics Librarian at Michigan State I've corresponded with off and on this past year is going to be dropping off "a zillion comics" for the Library, an outcome of our exchange (though I don't think the UF people realize that) on Thursday afternoon. I just have to be there to meet him and see the stuff he brings. He literally wrote the book on comics librarianship. Looking forward to both of these happenings, but was also looking forward to some down time at home. Friday is that freaking picnic, which I am NOT looking forward to. Oh well, next week.

And as I feared, there is delay in getting our new car. None of the local dealers are willing to part with any Escapes they have on their lot-- apparently they are suddenly a hot seller. So we have one ordered from the factory. The good news is, we'll get exactly the one we want. The bad news, it will be 4-6 weeks until we get it. I am so looking forward to it... it doesn't have the rear camera, but it does have a collision detection system, and has very good visibility.

We didn't leave the office until after 7:00, so stopped at Bahn Thai on the way home. Fridge is now packed to the gills with leftover Thai food. I will stick some chicken thighs in the crock tomorrow morning so we have something to eat tomorrow night. Remembered that I can use bottled ginger in a pinch. Good idea about freezing a piece, Mom. Never thought of that.

And what a great day you had! Spring in your remodeled surroundings must agree with you. Or more likely, that Nordic stuff has got your batteries charged up. I'm very proud of you! Bill has taken an interest in Yoga, thanks to a book he recently acquired. I'd be willing to get into that again. I certainly need to do SOMETHING to get moving. May is passing me by.

Oh bother, just remembered that this Saturday is when the postal per's pick up canned food. Was going to spend some time on my day off clearing out the pantry. I don't think I can find the energy to do it in the next three evenings.

I appreciate the enthusiasm for the England trip from both you and Sandy. It's the kind of fantasy that looks really magical and doable about this time of night, after a see-through or two, but in the cold light of morning... well, not so. Dreams are good, though. And funny thing, if you dream them persistently enough, they can surprise you by coming true.


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