Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

cow fence

We rent the pasture to the neighboring cowman; they can move freely from his place to ours, but they're not supposed to get out of our place in any other direction. It's our responsibility to maintain some of the fence, and two other neighbors maintain other parts of it. These arrangements are ancient and very complicated. Anyway, our part is a lot of fence, and Ted was never a great fence builder, mainly because he used so many salvaged materials, particularly old wire. Many of the old fence posts are wood and are rotting off. We've been replacing them as they go for the last ten years, but we're not done yet. Metal posts are relatively expensive (when you need so many), and the fence really is huge. So we do what is needed, but we didn't realize that this most recent piece was needed so badly.

We, too, sympathize with the death of the Kris & Kay Kat. We, too, love our cat and understand how sad it is to lose one.

Sorry to lead you astray with the salad, Suze. I'm glad you liked it, though! I guess I would have sliced tangelos . . . .

And speaking of leading astray -- glad you like the dear books!


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Suzy said...

Let's see if I can comment this morning. (Could not do anything with Blogger last night.)

I shoulda remembered that you own the pasture and rent it out. That makes sense.


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