Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

True Confessions


Long day yesterday-- took a day of vacation to avoid having to go in very early with Bill. Changed & laundered sheets and towels, another load of wash, and worked some more on the comics ads project. Bill came home around three and we went Mall-crawling. He wanted to take advantage of a big sale at his favorite men's store, Jos. A. Banks, since he's lost so much weight since last buying serious work clothes. I picked up a few more undies (can now go for over a week without having to do a wash) and found a really nice little red suede-like blazer, perfect fit, and 75% off; how could I refuse? We also found new shower caddies (ours were both getting pretty rusty and grunch).

But alas, being in the neighborhood, could not resist a visit to Borders-- always my downfall. I came out with seven new books, just what I need, right? Especially since the snail mail had brought me another four earlier in the day. Wretched excess?

However, Sandy, you will be happy to learn that three of those four from Amazon were a boxed trade pb set of the His Dark Materials trilogy. And out of all of the books, that's the one I'm reading first. And hooked already.

We ended up eating dinner out at Mr Han's, where we hadn't been in at least 10 years-- the upscale Chinese place out near I-75 and Newberry Road. It was all but deserted at 6, when we arrived, but wonderful food and great atmosphere as always. Pleasant interlude. After dinner it was still light so we cruised some of the car lots in town. We've been thinking about a hybrid. The only one physically present in town is a Ford Escape (no Prius or the Honda one anywhere near here). We will probably go back and test drive it later this week.

Back to work today. I had a 9:30 meeting, Bill one at 10. But at 2:00, Bill called saying he needed to go home-- a killer sinus headache since early morning. This is a man who NEVER gets headaches-- this is his first experience with one that laid him low. One side of his face is a mess, poor baby. I took him home, then drove Blue back to work to finish out the day.

He felt well enough to eat, but a bit queesy, so instead of the spicy Sloppy Joses I'd planned, I used the ham I was going to do tomorrow and made a favorite of ours, Ham and Sour Cream Skillet-- usually made with onions and sliced mushrooms, but I substituted artichoke hearts for the latter-- served over cauli-rice. Took only about half an hour, and is very good indeed.

I hate to jinx it by mentioning it, but it seems the new habit I've been working on has taken hold, and has had an unexpected benefit. About a month ago I started sweeping the kitchen floor as part of the post-dinner counter and sink routine. After putting cleanser in the sink and scrubbing it around a bit, I leave it there while I give the floor a quick 5-minute lick at a snake sweep. Amazing how much stuff accumulates on the floor in just one day! Anyway, doing it this way has made the sink much whiter, and completely eliminated the coffee stain that always clung in a circle around the drain. I used to attack it occasionally with a toothbrush, not very effectively. At first I thought Bill had been working on it for me, but no-- just letting the Comet sit in there for the five minutes has done it. Woo Hoo! (I feel like Mary Hartmann!)

Mom, you mentioned covering up your plants on the porch-- does this mean you're still having freezing nights up there? And what ever happened with the white fly infestation?

Sandy, my email is once again delivering mail, but tonight I can't seem to send-- my thank-you message for the beautiful wine glasses is stuck in limbo somewhere. So: know that we received them, and of course, love them. Thanks!

Well, let the record show that I forgot that Bruce's new record was to be released today until the afternoon...! It didn't seem like Tuesday, and when I did remember, the Spec's across the street from campus, where I've bought them on Day One for the past 15 years, is no longer there. So, um... I don't have it yet [blushes]. I've heard 4-5 cuts from it online, and love what I've heard, and know the rest will be wonderful too, but... dag nabbit, I blew it!


At 6:56 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Glad you got and liked the wine glasses!! And of course am thrilled that you are reading P. Pullman. I want to hear everything you think about it. Charlie did nothing but read once he started it; took about three days. I listened to the whole thing in my car, then read it.


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