Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ward and Waldo


... and I feel like another deer... in the headlights: I never actually POSTED the blog that has been running through my head. D'oh! This will be brief

I did answer some email and post to a comic strip blog, which I guess counts for something, but is no excuse.

Nice Don Sherwood stuff. I had searched him recently, but didn't find anything this fine. It can only get better. I hadn't thought of him as a Howard Stern precourser, but it's true: the "Where's Sherwood?" for the early show title says it all. I'm glad to see someone is trying to get a history of Bay Area radio online. This is where the web is at its finest: small groups of people who remember things they love and can band together to save them.

Rainy Saturday here. Got caught out in it several time while doing my errands. Made a stir fry with remains of the Easter rib roast that worked out fine.

Thanks for more Baby Book, Mom. Interesting that Nelda did not walk until 15 months! She was slow to creep also. Wonder if Thea could identify the "suits" in those Marysville photos?

Very sleepy now. And can anyone tell me why I gave this post that title?!


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