Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Dead House in the Middle of the Road


Wow, fabulous stuff in the margins of Lala's baby book-- details of Elizabeth Knorsa's birth and arrival in America. I wonder if the illegible words were her maiden name-- does anyone know it? That's just the kind of thing that make baby books and family bibles such treasures. Thanks for doing this, Mom, and I hope you continue with it. I understand about the difficulty of scanning such a fragile artifact, so don't worry about doing that.

White flies!! I feel your pain. They are the worst. I hope Ted has something that works for you.

Took the day off to get ready to travel, and a good thing, too. There were lots of things that needed doing. Most of them got done. I think I'm more or less packed. We will drive a rental car, as we still have not decided on what the next vehicle will be. Will need to coordinate picking it up with dropping the cat off at her B&B, The Cat's Pajamas, and dropping off my Big Blue Truck to get some long overdue muffler work. We will return Saturday afternoon.

When I went out to Publix this morning, I took the Rocky Point route because there looked like some sort of snarl to the north of 441. Did my shopping, then came back the usual way, via Willison Road. All was fine until suddenly, dead ahead and just before reaching our turn-off.....

A huge three story white HOUSE is in the middle of the freakin' road! All traffic stopped in both directions. Good thing I had Harry Potter tape on, as nobdy was going anywhere for about 10-15 minutes (seemed like hours on a day when there's a million things to do pre-departure). Finally it became apparent cops were on the scene and our turn came to snake around on the far lane of the wrong side of the road. Did this thing fall from the sky? Is Oz sending back stuff that lands there?

Made a perfectly dreadful crock pot soup, one of Leanne's major mistakes. Shoulda been suspicious when it called for 1/4 c spit peas and 4 c of broth. I know better. We ate it, and I will freeze the rest of it in batches to add stuff it for lunches. Can't win'em all.

I THINK I'm ready to go tomorrow. No idea if I'm ready to actually present something in two days and change.


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