Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Last Dance (D)


Friday, beautiful Friday. That's one thing I know I'll miss post-DROP-- that wonderful TGIF feeling of impending freedom, brief though it is.

Meeting this afternoon with my boss, first in ages. She wants me and my two cohorts to report to the head of DLC (Digital Library Collection). If this indeed comes about, I will take most of my remaining six weeks of vacation thereafter. Let's just say that the idea does not thrill me, and if it were to go on for any length of time, I'd be campaigning for a transfer to Special Collections. But none of it really matters anymore.

Today I did my LAST EVER Annual Activity Report (aka "Brag Sheet") and Annual Assignment/Goals and Objectives. YAAAAAYY!! This is an exercise that I've always hated with a passion. I must admit, though, that I had so much to brag about this year, that part of it was almost fun.

Worked some more on entering data about the ads into my spreadsheet. Almost done with that.

Will only cook four days in the upcoming week. I picked out four of Leanne's that I don't even need to shop for-- can empty out some more stuff from the freezer. Will need to pick up bread and a few other things, though.

Need to check on the hotel in Atlanta. We will be arriving a day later than the reservation. I always hate this part, sure I'm going to somehow foul it up at the last minute.

"Dumb day," Mom? That's Stinkin' Thinkin', ya know. It was a relaxing day-- a low-key day-- a mellow day. (Get the idea?) Most of all, it was a Spring Day, and with your splendid remodel, you can truly enjoy the changing seasons without even having to leave the house. It's cool you can see a bird building a nest, and have the fun of bulbs coming up and blooming. That's something I really miss living in the swamp. I want a full report of each and every crocus, daffodil and tulip (and whatever else) that emerges this year.

Well, I can't put it off any longer. Here, then, is the last of the Diry entries. There's a little bit of stuff written in the post-calendar pages, which I'll transcribe later, but no more real entries.

Thanks for the memories, Li'l Suzz-Bucket.

[Nothing Dec 3-17]
Thursday, December 18, 1952
353rd Day--13 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode bus 8. I tried to finish up my math homework but didn't have time. Our committee gave our report today. Mine went off o.k. Boy, was the turkey dinner in the Cafe. good today! In P.E., Lorea & I made up a game. We call it Cerry Ball. Will keep you in formed. I borrowed Joyce's Lilac shoes. Party at dramatics. Patty still as goofy as ever over Lee*. Suzy

* This would have been Lee Gentry, and the Dramatics Club was rehearsing A Christmas Carol. Lee was Scrooge, Patty was his love interest, I was Scrooge's younger sister, Fan. (I had exactly one line, which I can recite to this day.) What's unspoken here is that I too had a long-standing secret crush on Lee. In spring semester, when I became friends with Nancy, we both had crushes on tall and dreamy-eyed Steve Flynn.


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