Roundball Rowdiness
Thanks for more great TravelBlogues! I really appreciaate reading them each day, and feeling like I'm some how a part of the visit. And you will both appreciate them when you get home and don't have to do a marathon post-mortem.
What a nice story about the Chapel of the Chimes. I knew Grandma was there, but not Grandpa. I'd assumed the Jensens were too. I think I was there once, long ago, with Grandma, because I have a clear picture of what a mausoleum looks like. Or maybe Pa and Dan took us there, which seems more likely.
Will be interested to hear what Sandy cooked today. And how nice that Mom has those pictures of the New and Improved house to show Thea and Ella.
My presentation today went well. The email announcement did go out Thursday afternoon, so there were people there, more than I expected, actually. What I didn't expect-- the woman who asked me to do this took it upon herself to provide, at her own expense, cookies and other snacks. It was very sweet of her. Bill was there, and he said he'd never seen a library presentation that got such an enthusiastic response-- people did laugh where I wanted them to, and they asked a lot of questions afterward-- a lively discussion.
Here's what my erstwhile boss had to say about it in her weekly professional blog, in which she sums up the doings in her division for the past week:
And finally, Suzy Covey gave a great presentation Friday on her research and work on Comics and XML. When you look at all the coding it takes to describe a single comics panel, you realize that a picture really is worth at least a thousand words! Such an amazing project!It was quite a long time to have to stand up there, though-- I talked for 45 minutes, and the discussion went on another 15. Glad I decided not to wear heels. Who could see my feet, anyway? (I did wear the cashmere and pearls, and felt very elegante indeed.) I'm feeling rather drained tonight, in addition to being relieved.
Bill has to go to Washington Sunday afternoon, and will be gone til late Tuesday night-- a CNI meeting. This means I'll only cook twice this week. The week after that, we go to Atlanta for PCA-- I'll need to start working on that one tomorrow. It will be basically the one I did in Gainesville last month, but with a few things added that I did put in to this one for the more library-savvy audience. It's only 20 minutes, which now seems short. Two down, one to go.
The town is in a basketball frenzy, since the Gators are in the Final Four. It's all anyone talks about, and the most unlikely people on staff were sporting Gator gear today. We could care less about roundball, but this is inescapable. There are fears that if UF wins, the kids will tear campus and town apart celebrating. I doubt it-- we managed to survive winning a national championship in Football, for goddsake. I'll be glad when it's over, one way or another.
And next week, a REAL sport, Baseball, is back. Yippee!
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One more thing. Being in Alameda brings back a number of Marches that Chas and I were in this very motel watching Roundball finals (and Hale-Bopp, the first time). He's been keeping me up to date on it all. I guess I'll be able to catch the last games when I land on Planet Wisconsin.
Well, the post removed by the author (why can't I just edit the thing?) just said that the mausoleum that I remember going to was in Iowa, where various Graham relatives were, and it was leaking and going to (forgive me) Hell. And there was Big Trouble. Maybe that's why I was so impressed by the C of the C. But anyway, it's extremely amazing.
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