Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Saving Daylight. Right. (D)


It's very late in REAL time, and even later in phony time ("daylight savings," what a joke). And what a day to have to fly-- not only Mom and Sandy but Bill too will be airborne tomorrow. The cat and I are happy to be grounded.

Thanks for the report on your surprise visit to A.D., Mom. Good work, both the report and the the visit itself. Even if she does not remember all the details of the visit, I'm sure the happy feeling of the time she spent with you and your conversation and pictures will linger at some level with her.

Sandy, I hope you are taking good care of yourself. It's probably good you did not go upstairs, all things considered. You know what they say about kids being the great disease-vectors, and in this context, you're the kid!

Lessee. I woke, I shopped, I cooked. What else is there to say about the day? The cooking was very successful-- Again, from FC #78, this time the Tilapia with Tomatillo, Black Bean & Mango Salad. Oh yes, many thumbs and claws up. It was great, and not at all hard. Besides some tomatillos, I had some Brussels sprouts I needed to use, and as luck would have it, Bill requested a half hour delay, so I was able to make the Balsamic-Bacon Vinaigrette Sauce from the same issue that was so good on broccolini a few weeks ago. Hey! He's going to DC, where the eating is splendiferous, and I want him to remember that he can get some good eats at home too...

My Saturday Movie Night habit continues-- tonight was Good Night and Good Luck. Bill wandered in as it was starting, and stayed to see the whole thing. We both agreed it was very well done-- who knew George Clooney had this kind of stuff in him? I'm always happy when someone I'd earlier dismissed proves me wrong.

Gators won tonight. I didn't watch. Instead, while cooking, I "watched" the last inning of the last Cubs pre-season game, then some women's golf, then a paint ball competition (I kid you not), then some drag racing. This was part disdain for round ball, and part not wanting to jinx them by actually... watching.

Opening Night tomorrow. I'm so ready.

Tuesday, December 2, 1952
337th Day--29 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up & dressed & went to school riding Bus 8. The day went half rainy day scedual & half fair S " I got my report card. Four 1's in Spelling, Pennmanship, Language, & Reading. 2's in Social Studies & Science. 3 in Math. Above grade average too. At Choir Bonnie S. [Simrell] & [Carol] Ceremeli took over. Oh Brother! Sandy's grades were pretty good too. [A lot better than mine, I suspect]


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