Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Sheets, Towels, and Everything Else


Nice account of your Sunday festivities, Sandy. What fun to be cooking in your fireplace, hanging laundry outside, and finding so much viable stuff in your root cellar-- a quintessential early spring day on the farm. I'm envious of all of it. And of course I'd love your onions too. I console myself that Vidalias are just arount the corner now.

No, I don't have Walt and Skeezix yet. Was planning to buy it at the UF Comics Conf, but the last copy was snatched up before I could. Will send for it one of these days, but not until I've at least looked through all the stuff I did buy at ufcc. It is, like all of Ware's stuff, a masterpiece of book design, besides presenting wonderful, classic strips.

Good job transcribing the Baby Book, Mom. Have you considered scanning it also? The transcribing part is very important, because that gets the essential information in digital format, (making it searchable, etc.) but it's nice to have the image to go with it.

I know, just what you need, another project. I was telling some people at work today about the amazing things you do with your scanner. OF COURSE it takes a lot of time to do the beautiful handcrafted and personalized artifacts you send to people. That's part of what makes them so special. Consider it time well spent.

Went into work today with a single mission: get my bangs trimmed. Failed! The guy was not in the shop, which is near the post office, when I walked over. Was going to try again in the afternoon, but had a meeting then got busy. Meanwhile, Bill shows up tonight with a spiffy new haircut from the same place! We coulda gone together. I'm reminded of the old addage (Sandy, is this yours?): Need to improve communications? Try WORDS!

Not going in tomorrow, though. Need a day to get ready to travel and psych myself up for yet another little show-and-tell. A schedule of the rest of the Library & Archives Section presentations arrived today, and if I'd seen it even a few days ago, I probably would have arranged to stay til Sunday morning-- they're all on Friday and Saturday mornings. Oh well.

Got a lot done tonight. Dinner was somehow fabulous: Ragin' Cajun Chicken, nothing more than chicken breasts coated with Cajun seasoning and sauteed in butter. My contribution was to half the amount of chicken, cut each piece in half, and double the butter. Yum! Had baked butternut squash and steamed kale as sides-- the former overcooked, the latter rather sad after too long in the freezer. My kale skills need a lot more work.

Sheets changed in the morning, in the dryer now. Changed the towels tonight, and they're already laundered and put away. Got caught up with the bills, four of them in 15 minutes (usually I do three in that period of time). I give myself one Pat on the Head.

I have only one Magic Olive left. Maybe I will find some in ATL.

Sheets done. Time for sleep.


At 5:52 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

I used to have a sign on my office door that read: Say it with words.

A good thing to remember!


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