Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Eggs, Bunnies, and All That


I'm back, but still strung out from the road. All is well-- the cat retrieved, Big Blue retrieved (muffler un-replaced, but over a grand worth of other stuff done), rental car returned to the airport. Plus, I am unpacked.

I fixed us a desperation dinner of Dogs 'n' Kraut plus a spinach salad. The fridge is bare, thanks to my pre-trip purge. Must go out tomorrow and find an open supermarket and get something to make for a desperation holiday meal. Sandy, you are fixing lamb? What are you doing to it? If I hear back from you tomorrow morning, I will try something with lamb, assuming I can find it. If not, it will be ham. Or maybe it'll be spam. I found the most wonderfully dreadful recipe for it (Treet, actually) in one of the 1948 comics ads: Pour a can of fruit cocktail over sliced Treet, add some mustard and horseradish, bake until bubbly. Gaaakk! Let's hope neither my research nor my desperation push me that far into the twilight zone...

We had a good trip, and I'll fill in details over the next few days. The hotel (Atlanta Marriott Marquis) is an awesome architectural extravaganza, definitely the highlight of the trip. However, there was no wireless in the room, and only one high speed data port-- for $12.95/day. If we'd had a cheap little hub with us we could have shared the wire. As it was, my beloved roommate was on the wire nearly every moment we were in the room. The one time I had some time online, I couldn't get to the blogger site at all. I know I coulda written some entries off-line for later posting, and I wish I had.

The baby book stuff is wonderful, Mom! Thanks so much for doing this. I hope you are getting a kick out of it too. Maybe Thea can help us with which of the people who gave baby Nelda presents were family? Can we assume that Hortense Smullin was Erwin's eventual wife? The name does sound familiar.

A heads up for Marty: something I ordered for Ben at Christmas has finally shipped! I hope it was worth the delay. And Jeezo-Flip, I hope I got the address right this time. It seems to be a permanently damaged byte in my brain.

More tomorrow. Happy Pagan-Rite-of-Spring, everyone! :-)


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