Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dispatch from Cubeville


Another day of moving piles of Stupid from one place to another (as Bill puts it), or in my case, also listening to other people over the cubicle walls discuss plans to move their piles, or their plans to appoint committees to discuss which piles to move first, or to plead that they have no time to move this pile right now, they're so busy with that pile...

A bad day in Cubeville.

I escaped to my Box in Special Collections for nearly an hour to fill in gaps in the data. I started some lists and categories for a paper on post war comic strip ads. I worked on instructions for things I do that I need to leave behind when I leave. I put my vacation plan into a spreadsheet. I sent pre-registrations off for the San Diego Comic-Con. I stayed awake all day. The latter was the hardest part, frankly. The Cubeville chatter is almost unbearably soporific.

Made the small thinly-sliced boneless pork chops into a wonderful schnitzel, using the large griddle-shaped electric skillet. Having that roomy fry-space made all the difference. They were crusty and golden, unlike my usual efforts which leave the crust stuck to the regular stovetop fry pan. Had this with a great batch of turnip fries and a salad.

Kitchen is clean, and I got a load of whites done, just in time to allow me to go to work tomorrow in decent undies. It's Wednesday. The day before Thursday. My favorite. One bad part about my vacation days plan is that I haven't scheduled any until mid-May. Can I last that long?

The baby book is great. I love thinking about Lala's first laugh (a hearty one!) and that Glenn was already cackling at five weeks. And cooing, too. And now we have "Uncle Erwin and Aunty Hortense," just as we always called them as kids. I guess this means Erwin and Hortense were married sometime between August 1909 and January 1912.


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