Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Battlestarred Out


It's already tomorrow. I was feeling video-drama deprived, and so thought I'd watch something lightweight on my laptop-- the pilot to the new Battlestar Galactica. WRONG, in so many ways-- for one, anything but lightweight; for another, it wasn't a 40 minute or even an 80 minute pilot movie-- it was over three hours long! And for yet another, it was so good I couldn't stop watching it. And so here we are. At least I know that the regular episodes for Season One will be only a 40 minute committment.

Bill has an insanely early morning tomorrow, so I'm taking it off. He wants to shop at the mall tomorrow afternoon, so we'll do that. I did some work on the scans I did Friday this afternoon, and discvered I'll have to do some of them over-- wrong resolution. Musta been that thunderstorm that threw me off.

The thing I did for dinner tonight (Italian Chicken Skillet) was edible but not very good-- can't win 'em all.

Got the basic Blessings done this afternoon, a very good thing. Also finished up the Dylan book. Wonderful.

Unable to get into my Atlantic.net mail today, so if you sent anything there, don't expect an answer. Hope I can get that fixed tomorrow.

I would have sworn that Ward and Waldo were earlier than Sherwood, but just goes to show how memory can play tricks. I remember the Halo/Hello song perfectly well.

Thanks for continuing with the baby book, Mom. Very enjoyable, indeed.
Morning now. Looks like this didn't post. Will try again.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

I believe that W & W were after Sherwood, because I remember thinking that they were being silly to try to measure up. You probably remember them from 1959-60 when you were living at home?

Sherwood came & went several times, when KSFO got sick of his sloppy ways. I used to love to wake up laughing.


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