Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Long Days, Short Nights


Midnight again. There is WAY too much day these days, and not nearly enough evening. Stuff continues to pile up that I'm dying to sit down and pour over. Today's mail brought me the long awaited back issues of Hogan's Alley, an impossibly wonderful 'zine that is right exactly up my alley, so to speak. I want to stop the world and do nothing but read all this (I figure at 8 hours a day I could have it done in a month or two, like that's going to happen...) but it is going to have to just sit there, a glittering pot o' gold at the foot of my retirement rainbow. My beautiful reward.

Still another day without the new Bruce disk.

And actually, it was just plain a terrible day. Little things just kept going wrong, not much in an of themselves, but cumulatively they all added up. And then there are all the things I put off til tomorrow, which casts a shadow over it as well. I've moved Anti-Procrastination Day to tomorrow-- let's hope that clears out some of this miasma.

Tonight things are better-- just wish that "tonight" wasn't so short. A brainlessly simple dinner (the postponsed Sloppy Joses) turned out wonderfully-- this is just browned ground beef, salsa and cheese served over whole romaine lettuce leaves. Roasted/broiled some zucchini spears to go with it.

A big box of Hogan's Alley back issues arrived today. (Wonderful!) I resisted the urge to just curl up with them, and also to crawl inside The Golden Compass and leave this silly world behind. Instead, did all my evening routines, and settled down with the cat at my side to watch Episode One of Battlestar Galactica. It was so relentlessly dark that I doubted I'd ever want to watch another, but in the very closing moments, not one, but two characters actually allowed the shadow of a smile to cross their faces. And the thing is so good, that's enough to make me come back for more.

Nice to hear news of a beautiful Northern Spring, Mom. How nice that you have that wonderful new space to enjoy it in. Alas, it's already Southern Summer here. On the plus side, Bill was much better today, and went on about life as usual.

Tomorrow is Thursday, so at least I can make good use of the inevitable downtime of my current job. It's like being a fireman, I guess-- no news is good news, but so bloody boring.

Thanks for more of Nelda's baby book-- and how fascinating that her wedding should be entered there! I always think of baby books as being for, well, BABIES, but apparently there was some overlap with the traditional family Bible as far as recording family events. For a good time, ask Thea about Grandpa Soares giving Nelda and Fran that furnished house... NOT! Nelda beating Thea to the altar was most unfortunate.

And do 'scuze the typos, but I'm headed for bed pre-proofing. Always interesting to read what I had to say the morning after, when brain had obviously disconnected from fingers. Or something.


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