Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, May 01, 2006

North Country Cowgirl

Gainesville [Sunday Night]

Yes, DEAR indeed-- guess you'd better just consider me to be on vacation until I finish this. I'm 2/3 way through the second book. Completely enthralled. Reading much too fast because I need to find out what happens next, and know I'll have to go back and pick up at least some of the things I've missed. Oh my.

Meanwhile, back in this reality,

[Monday Night]
... it seems to be suddenly the next night. Obviously I hit a bubble in the space/time continuum. Or something.

Rough day-- woke up feeling awful, went to work anyway, felt awful all day. Good thing I had stuff to do just sitting at my desk and not having to move around much, so it was bearable. Only one meeting, and it's a good thing I went; things discussed there I needed to know.

Been cooking out of Leanne and doing pretty well, except for last night, when I decided to add Sandy's orange/fennel salad to an already prep-intensive stir fry over spaghetti squash. Three hours! I'd bought both arugula and watercress, only to realize the recipe said OR, so I used some of both. The cress needed washing/drying, etc. I had tangelos instead of oranges. It took forever. By the time I sat down to eat it I was thinking, all that for just THIS? But the more I ate of it, the more I liked it. So, turns out it was worth it after all. I happened to score some truly outstanding fresh mint, so that helped too.

Got the blessings done yesterday, and despite how wretched I still feel, got the sheets changed, towels changed and washed, and a decent meal (cheeseburger cassarole and broccoli slaw with tomatoes) on the table on time. This left only a few short stints to read/dear. Almost done with book 2.

Chris, so sorry to hear about Beren. I think Mom mentioned it some time back, but it didn't really register until I saw your comment. We are so attached to our cat that I can truly feel the pain of losing one. You have Bill's and my sincere sympathy.

Sandy, what a swell set piece about the cows-- I loved it! It sounds like a short story. I do marvel that although it is the other guy who has the cows, they have the right to go wherever they want, and YOU have to maintain a fence to keep them out? Hardly seems fair... But I guess Wisconsin cowboys and -girls have this stuff all figured out.

Good to hear about your energetic start to May, Mom. Don't try to do it all at once, though, and burn out. Routines first, the other stuff as time permits. I'm glad you are thinking about taking care of yourself WRT what you are eating. And so cool that you are getting on the Nordic-- you are an inspiration, and I need one-- I don't move enough.

More stacked up to say, but there is a book screaming my name from the other room. With any luck, I should return to what passes for normal in a few days. Sandy, this is all your fault!


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