Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Walt & Skeezix


Congrats on scaling Mount Washmore, Mom. But even more admirable is that you're keeping up with your Nordic. Very impressive! I've been making some small efforts much like that testimonial from the woman in Texas (who also works in a university library) and trying to walk someplace outside at least once each day. Usually I don't take breaks (even at lunch) but that's pretty dumb at this point. I always feel better and more alert when I get back from one of those.

Turns out that the Sony Black Box that was repaired was actually damaged in the process-- case is dinged up and doesn't fit together properly, plus the door on the front no longer opens. Bummer! Bill did get the cord holes drilled in the furniture today, and was all ready to hook it back up. Now the room has to stay torn up for awhile longer. More bummer. I find the chaos very depressing after having the room in decent shape for so long.

I got out (late) to shop, but forgot to take my list with me. I winged it as best I could, but of course I missed a few things. Nothing too critical except for ginger root-- I'll not be able to do the crock thing I had planned for Wednesday. I did pick up a Plan B, so if an occasion for a supplemental shop doesn't arise, I'll just do that. The store and the town are pretty deserted. They didn't have any turnips (!) but there was the first of the spring corn on the cob, so I had that instead. Main dish was the Publix flank steak pinwheel things (good, but very salty) and asparagus tips. I tried to remember how Sandy fixed them when here, but couldn't quite. I sauteed them in part olive oil part butter, in the LeCr pan. Covered it now and then to get them decently tender. Sprinkled some parmesan over them after taking them off the heat. Worked well, I thought.

I'm about 1/3 through The Amber Spyglass, but in no hurry, as I don't want it to end. Been also reading the Walt and Skeezix book, and it is SO wonderful-- never realized the early Gasoline Alley's were so utterly charming; no wonder they were so popular. Today I read the trip to Yellowstone, obviously based on a real trip King must have taken. Neat to have the locations notated at the bottom of the last panel of each strip, very much like a trip diary.

Pardon me, but my sheets are dinging. I changed them today instead of waiting until tomorrow morning. It makes more sense than rushing around to do it Monday before work. Didn't get any other blessings done, though. Thinking about taking another day off this week, either Tuesday or Wednesday, just to get things back on a somewhat more even keel.


At 6:57 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

I thought the trip to Yellowstone was absolutely wonderful. Just think; the dawn of motor vacations, recorded like that. Super!


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