Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Muffler Man


Olives, beautiful Morea Olives! As I type, I am enjoying a Tanq with a couple of them pronged on one of those beautiful olive picks you gave me, Sandy. Thank you! This time I will hold on to the packing slip and order refills myself.

Finally my week off will start tomorrow. Today seemed to take an eternity, as I wasn't able to get any scanning done. The first time I tried, someone was using the only public scanner. The second, I realized I'd misplaced the CD I needed for taking the scans out of the room-- the machine is not hooked into the local network. Drat! Now it will be a week before I get back to it. I'll have to concentrate on Fireball Twigg, Captain Tootsie and the few Roger Wilco's I have already. I'm convinced the latter "superhero" is gay-- he always dumps (sometimes literally) the damsel he rescues, breaking her heart, in favor of a Power House candy bar and the adulation of a gang of kids.

We had to take the (still unchristened) new car back to the dealership today to get the finishing they insisted on done. And tomorrow we will drop Blue off at Midas to finally get his muffler replaced! It will be nice to drive a car that doesn't sound like an old tin can (..."take it to the Muffler Man / Oh do you know the Muffler Man / Gene Lockhart is his name!") Ahem.

Interesting clippings about the wanderings of J.S. Soares, Engineer of Fortune. I wonder if Cordie was saving these? I thought she and Jack were separated by this time?

Towels just dinged, got to go fold them. Back in a bit.
Done. And now it's way past time for sleep.


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