Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

11.V.06 - MoM

A long baby book entry, today. Not bad timing as there isn't much to write about today. Did manage to get up a little earlier this morning than lately but don't have all that much to show for it. Did all my routines including the 400 NT. Didn't eat as much at breakfast so got a little earlier start on my routines. I hard boiled a couple of eggs and made them into some interesting deviled eggs at about 1 p.m., and had them with a few tired Emeril tomatoes and some Butter Pecan ice cream. (I was wrong, Sandy, it is just plain butter pecan. The texture of the nuts is so different from the stuff I buy at the store.) Tonight, I started my drinks at 5:30 and plan to have dinner at a reasonable hour. I think it will be the other half of the thick filet, some more picnic shoestrings and some kind of a green veggie as well as more ice cream. The Marsala sauce I created is outstanding.

I have started printing the blogs daily to send to Thea after I catch up with the rest of those for April. I got some more of the those printed for mailing Monday. Tomorrow is my "Mother's Day Treat," and I have a pretty good list of stuff as Sandy is devoting the day to this.

I haven't seen hummingbirds at the feeder this yet, but did see one in the patio in back. It was a kick. It evidently thought that the "gel" tulips stuck on the patio door were real flowers. Chris and Kay had brought them back from Argentina and Chris carefully affixed them for me. Ben loves them and likes to lick them.

* * * * *

A continuation of page 84, it is on one of the blank page and it began on Jan 1911.

July 3 spent my second 4th in Chico, with my great aunt Sidonie. Saw the baloon ascension and talked about it a long time. Beginning to talk a great deal and sing, afraid of frogs and chirnan [?? Can't figure out the squiggles] (she calls for chinaman [?]. I'm very fond of dolls only had about eighteen around, all kind, two Teddy bears, two buggies, wheel barrow, wagon, rocking horse, sand pile, hammock, black board, table, desk, bench, chairs, doll swing, stove, trunk, dolls house, a large yard for us two to play in. I love Mattie and Frank Lipp spent many hours there and had many meals allso, called a a - pauk at first. Mattie put us both to bed many times, and out walking. I know my Great Grandma's house now and love to go there, as we get cookies, and she has a play box for us, there is allways something new in it.

Aug 17th Mama took Thea, Mildred and myself to visit Grandma Soares, was just fourteen in the family. I made my first trip to San Francisco, to the Park, Cliff House, allso Idora in Oakland. Mama - Papoo left Thea and I with Grandma Niesen and took a trip to Vancouver, Cousin Jua was along to, then Papoo went to Salmon City and Mama came home. Gramma built our bathroom had house fixed.

Page 88 the drawing of the little one again (no curls) but in the long dress, with the horn and scroll, entitled "IMPORTANT EVENTS"

At the age of 2 years I could sing through the song of Every little Movement has a meaning of its own, and several other songs. Used to call my Mama (Cordie).

My mother took me up to see President Taft on Oct 13th Friday morning 1911. I can talk very plain now and run away to the neighbors, am 27 months old.

Nov 18th had my first Automobile ride with Mr - Mrs Mahle - Mama - Thea. I call myself Ledda for Nelda. And leppa for pillow.

On January 25th 1912 Thea had her fourth birthday so Mama made a cake had four candles on it, and the candelabras with four candles lit for supper. On January 28th - 1912 Sunday morning brother John Jr arrived and we were all delighted over it. Children love him so. When he was four weeks old, Grandma Niesen took Thea up to Honcut to see Aunt Hortense staid three days, the next day, Inya - Nana took Nelda out to Sutter City and Uncle Billy's could not go in as Cousin Philip had the measles. March 3rd Inya, Nana, Thea - Nelda went to Hammounton [?], was at Thunen's. On April 25th Nelda, Thea, Cordie went to Albert Andross and Jeannette Powell's wedding.

1914 Sept 15th Cordie took Nelda went to Sac Fair. Nov 17, Mattie Lipp took Nelda to Marysville, Cordie and Glenn went to spend Thanksgiving at Lipps


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