Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mom Rulz


We have a new car!! It's a Ford Escape Hybrid, fully loaded. And what a trip it is. Today was the first day we'd actually been able to drive it. There is a lot to learn. I don't even know where to begin describing all the things it knows how to do and its geeky-cool features. And how strange it is to drive a car that the engine only kicks in occasionally-- most the time it is running silently. Plus, it doesn't shft gears-- just smoothly accelerates. When driving, you keep waiting for that little jerk, but it never comes.

Lessee: Complete built in Nav system, the whole nine yards. CD's for maps of all US, Canada and Caribbean. A bazillion different animated color displays of what is going on with every aspect of the car's systems. Collision detection in back. Amazing stereo, 6-CD changer, radio that displays whatever info the station broadcasts, and is all ready to plug in one of our satellite radio systems. It looks like a baby sports-ute, but is amazingly spacious and light inside with great visibility. Back seats fold flat, loads of carrying capacity. All the luxo-stuff that's out there these days-- lighted-this and heated-that. We are still in the getting acquainted phase, so a detailed account of its wonders will have to come as we have adventures with them.

Okay, 'nuff car talk. Buying the thing (as yet unnamed and still unisexed) absorbed most of the day, as these transactions always include a considerable bit of psycho-drama. And wouldn't you know, the money guy turned out to be a West Virginian-- so he and Bill had to try of out-shit each other, which was actually great fun to watch.

Another drop-dead gorgous day, the kind that convinces you can't possibly be in Florida in May. I've probably said this before, but it is worthy of continual celebration as long as it lasts.

We had whatever I could find in the fridge for dinner-- leftover Thai food from earlier in the week. Shopping tomorrow. God, I hope I can find time during the next week to watch some vid. And finish Dark Materials. And. And...

Forgot to mention that my high school friend, Carolyn, called last night to say she wasn't going to be able to make it to Florida this year after all. Her father-in-law had just died this last week. He lived in California, she and her husband live in Colorado, so the logistics will just not work. One of her sons and his family live in Panama City, so it was part of a trip to see them and take her grandkids on a trip to D.C. that was to be the occasion of her visit to Gainesville. It was nice to hear her voice again after so long, and too bad this particular meeting won't work out, but I feel confident it will happen eventually.

This removes the main focus of the up-coming week off (getting caught up with hot spots and perhaps some additional decluttering) -- not a bad thing, by any means. We still have some car logistics to take care of, including getting Blue's muffler fixed finally. We left Bill's GMC van, Babe, as a trade in, so we remain a two-vehicle family. And I have many items stacked up in other areas needing attention.

And it's not even a full week: I have to go in Monday to give my departing boss a chance to meet with me one last time to go over one last annual evaluation... it's important to her to dot all these t's, so I'll humor her on this one. She's off to Italy the week after til the end of May. It may well be our last one-on-one meeting. Yet another day off I'll have to fit in somewhere-- oh, the agony! :-)

Nelda's baby book-- what a hoot! I love all the silly little details of teeth, first words, pratfalls and minor outrages, and it makes the perfect counterpoint to reading Walt & Skeezix. Both are such dead-on faithful depictions of a baby growing up, transcending the differences in historical eras and cultures. I was struck to read, a few days ago, that Dad was originally called "John Jr." I'm guessing that John Sr.'s decision to leave for Portugal not too long after might have occasioned the change of heart about the name. And where did the name "Glenn" come from? Anybody know?

Good to hear that Thea is happy these days. It's also lovely to hear about her interactions with Nelda ("Come, Sissy" becoming a catch-phrase in the family, etc.) I hope she'll let us transcribe her baby book too. This is all great primary source material in many areas.

I know this needs editing, but I can't-- who knew how exhausting hours of doing nothing but waiting around in a Ford dealership coud be?

Mom, it will be Mother's Day in about four minutes here. I haven't managed to get you a card or anything else on time, but I sure am thinking about you. This blog would not exist without your sharing of FlyLady with me, and while that little purple person has provided a spark of value beyond measure, it's been your dedication and persistance that has held it together. There are many gems buried in this horseblanket of words (thanks for that metaphor, Dad!) I hope that the bits and bytes they're stored in prove as resilient as that baby book.

Midnight. Happy Mothers Day! Mom, You RULE!


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