Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006



It's JULIA DAY! Hope you had a fun one, hockey girl. It's the big 1-5. I had just started sophomore year in high school when I celebrated that one. I kept a diary that year, but who knows where it is now. I do remember that I was deep into tennis at the time, and reading Desiree, which is what inspired me to keep that particular diary.

Be nice if someone up there with easy access would post us a new picture of birthday girl...

Woofers, what a dismal day here. Gloomy and rainy most of it-- not that that's a BAD thing, as we surely do need the rain, but it does dampen spirits as well as ground. Had to cancel a lunch with Barbara because she did not want to venture out. I consoled myself with the particularly nice lunch I'd brought in: a leftover bacon-cheese dog, some of the tomato/feta salad, a few cherries and some cottage cheese.

Said lunch turned out to be the culinary high-point-- after taking me home, Bill had to immediately go back to work, so we picked up Subway on the way. The pork stir fry I'd planned for tonight will wait til tomorrow, and the crock thing will keep indefinitely.

Intensely boring day at work. Good thing that the latest volume (8) of the Babylon 5 scripts was here waiting. I fall on these the instant they come into the house, not to read the scripts necessarily-- I know all the episodes Very Well-- but for the marvelous commentaries and supplementary stuff from the creator known as JMS. This is a Cafe Press production, their biggest one to date-- a milestone in Internet self-publishing. It will be 15 volumes when it's done, and they are large brick-like volumes.

Expecting a deluge from Amazon and friends soon-- a bunch of "your order has shipped" emails arrived. The new Love and Rockets volumes will let me continue wallowing in the Hatfield book.

Happy you had such a great day, Mom. I'll be interested to hear how your new sprinkler system works.

And thanks for the rest of the stuff about Rachel. Poor Dan-- two older sisters lording it over her for just being older, and then a dynamo of a younger sister, with all the academic credentials Dan always wished she had. Rachel had a school named after her! I'd be happy to have a little patch of cement outside University Auditorium, where I liked to sit of a spring day and listen to musical rehearsals inside, named after me.


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