Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Antiprocrastination Wednesday


Back to work, after five days off. The good news was, there was almost no one else around. The further good news was, it wasn't even all that hot today. The still further good news was, I internalized anti-procrastination day and made myself start to clear out two 3-drawer file cabinets that date back, oh, say 20 years... I got over half of one of them done in two 15 minute sessions, and it contained stuff that brought back memories both good and bad. I saved a bit of the good (my first programming efforts, my first email exchanges with Bill when we were using a mainframe CMS system) and tossed the rest. We're talking multiple armloads of printouts and scribbled notes into the recycle cans. YES! I also flattened all the cardboard detrius that had accumulated for a mere 2-3 years, and got it out of there. By the time I'm ready to leave, I'll have a decluttered peaceful office I'd love to work in. Good timing, Suze.

The bad news was... well, actually there was no bad news, unless we count the further evidence that procrastination is not a good thing.

Anyway, the exercise (and it was exercise) made me realize it's only about four hours work to get rid of all of the files. Note to self: you could do this at home too...

I did get up early enough to get the crockpot thing going, so we had edible main dish to go along with leftovers from the holiday meal. And now I get two days off from cooking, and to plan for next week.

Surprisingly tolerable weather today (and yesterday too) -- hot, but clear skies, breezy, and not all that humid. If only summer could always be like this. A little rain would be nice too, of course.

Thanks for continuing Marty's letter, Mom. Marty, did you ever get to the Bahamas? Or to the Greater Caribbean? I'm up for another cruise!


At 8:33 AM, Blogger Marty said...

I have not made it to the Bahamas (yet). I did get to Jamaica in 1987 (I think that's when it was) and I really enjoyed it. I still wish to go to the Bahamas or some other island-y place, but I have changed my mind about scuba diving. Never felt the urge to go on a cruise...

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

What I noticed in Marty's letter is that the poor dear had to use an actual typewriter when beginning college! I think of her as being more in the modern age. I wonder when word processing became the norm?


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