Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Land of Olives


Extended is right-- five days for me.

I did towels and bathrooms (yay, me) but mainly I read The Geographer's Library. Will probably finish it tomorrow.

Made Greek Turkeyburgers , topped with a tomato/ cuke/ feta relish. The one cuke I had in the fridge was all but past it, but I managed to carve out enough to make it work. Steamed summer squash (infused with fresh basil in the steamer basket) on the side.

God only knows what we'll have tomorrow. It's very hazy in my mind this year, even now. If I need anything, I'll have to brave the jam-packed Albertson's down near where Mom and Sandy stayed. A good day to root around in the freezer and get creative.

Tonight I used the last Morea olive of the second bottle. One bottle to go-- time to order more. Now if I can just find that packing slip I so lovingly saved. It's here somewhere...

Good to have more from Sandy's Europe '89 letter. I remember well the panic of arriving some unfamiliar city with no place to stay, and being told everything is full. Barcelona was like that for Chris and me-- we arrived late at night, our first on our own (Dad had left after Burgos to join Mom in-- I think it was Toulouse?) and we managed to find a place. We had to leave noon the next day, and I was sad because I'd wanted to see at least a little Gaudi architecture. But when I took a short walk around the neighborhood the next morning, I nearly fell to my knees when I saw not one, but TWO magnificent Gaudi examples within a block or two of where we'd landed. Good use of a 10 hour stay! I loved Spain, everything about it, and hope to get back there someday.

Julia, my dear, I owe you one birthday present of your chosing.

I am avoiding blogging about the Thursday party. Which reminds me: yesterday I got a recall notice from the UF Library for a book I've had checked out for awhile, The Annotated Thursday, by G. K. Chesterton. I knew exactly where it was... at least until three weeks ago, when I did the great shift to gather my comics collection. I knew where it shoulda been since then-- two possible logical locations, but it was in neither. It took several quests today until I finally found it in the waste-land of the dining room table. And I have exactly one day to peruse it and decide if I need to order my own copy.

And so to bed. But to shower first.


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Your title reminds me of a Semester Abroad student in 1998, who did her work on Roman ruins in Spain. Charlie, who was visiting, and I met her in Mérida, a nice little town near the Portuguese border. She said she loved Spain, but complained a bit that the countryside was mostly trees and dirt, trees and dirt. Olive orchards, of course.

Speaking of which, if you Google Morea olives, you'll get to the place I buy them. World Mart, I think it's called.


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