Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Barbi Genesis


Mom, here is the voice of your FL conscience again: I can't help but notice that your down- in- the- dumps feeling comes after a week when there was no mention of Nordic. That really does seem to corrolate with both your mood and your pep. Please try to get that back on your schedule of important things to do. Also, your settling for ice cream for dinner probably doesn't do much good either: you shouldn't settle for anything-- you deserve better than that.

End FL conscience lecture. (Sorry, just had to be said.)

Typical Sunday: Got the sheets changed, two loads of wash done (just finished folding them before I sat down here). Realized last night I'd forgotten to get more limes-- necessary for G&T's. They turned out to cost $8.00 each-- once at Publix, I remembered a few more things I needed. FL is so right about minimizing the number of trips to the store.

I finished up the Ishigoru this morning. Sandy, you must read this one. I actually think you might like it too, Mom, since you liked The Handmaid's Tale, but I'll stop short of of recommending it until I hear Sandy's opinion. It's pretty dark. But very very good. Oh my yes.

Back to Love & Rockets #8, which I didn't quite finish-- more uplifting stuff: it includes a long story, "Human Diastrophism," wherein a serial killer stalks our familiar Mexican town of Palomar. But of course that is just a plot device for all the other stuff that goes on among the (count 'em) 34 characters...

An entire week of work ahead-- I've spoiled myself by not having any of those lately. Friday I put in another 3 or 4 15-minute stints of cleaning out my files. Alas, I realized that each of those two file cabinets have four drawers instead of three. I now have two out of eight cleaned out instead of two out of six. Ah well, it's a start. I'm wearing jeans to work tomorrow to make the work easier. It does slow things down to worry about getting xerox ink and general schmutz of decades past on nice light-colored clothes.

I loved the stuff about the dolls. I didn't realize you'd had a Barbi of your own that you made clothes for, Mom. You always were good at the doll clothes, and it must have been fun to make stuff for a grown-up doll for a change. I guess the makers had no idea how popular Barbi would be, and what a gold mine they had in clothes and accessories for her. You were there at the forefront. What became of those 16 outfits you made?

Time for bed. I think a planet where days were 26 hours long would suit me a whole lot better than this one.


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