Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Chick Flick


The wasp nest in my computer is active tonight-- apparently the wasps are sleeping, but some of them are softly , rhythmically snoring. Not loud enough to be truly annoying, but worrisome nonetheless. I should be making major backup efforts, but somehow, I don't really care that much about anything recent on this hard drive. If it fails, I'll doubtless learn otherwise.

I got out to shop by early afternoon. It was a zoo when I entered-- people from the visiting team (having driven all the way from Central Florida!) were greeting each other in the parking lot, making it an almost tailgate atmosphere. However, once in the store, they seemed to vanish without a trace, and by the time I got to checkout, no lines at all. Such a strange pattern. I took Moonbeam today, which was fun. Great to drive-- the hardest part is getting out of the driveway. First there is the business of setting the seat and all the mirrors, then snaking out of the carport and into the center of the driveway-- completely backwards from the routine Blue and I can do in our sleep. I guess with enough practice, I can learn the new routine.

Did salmon briefly marinated in a pineapple juice/ginger mixture. Okay, but not sure I'd go there again. I needed a lot of salt to make mine palatable. Bill and Carrot thought it was fine. Having a pineapple-based fruit salad with it was probably ill-advised. The edamame, from the sushi counter, was fine.

Tonight I did something I haven't done in many years: watched a movie on (gasp!) live, un-mediated (by TiVo) cable TV. It was a chick-flick, "The Mermaid Chair." I was curious about it because it starred Kim Basinger, and because I wondered if the book it's based on was worth a look. Probably will take a look at the book, if only to figure out if it is as disjointed and lame as the movie-- I suspect that much essential plot detail was left out in order to include seascape atmospherics or buried by the loud music during annoying voice-over narration. As for Kim, well. I thought she was convincing in "A Hole in the Floor" (an adaptation of the first third of the wonderful A Widow for One Year) as the emotionally frozen Marion. However, she seemed similarly frozen here, when it was not appropriate. She's beautiful, but I have to think that the poor dear is a victim of botox overdose. Her range is limited to hurt, stunned, and/or confused. When she tried to smile, it looked like it hurt. Too bad.

Anyway, it was interesting to actually have to deal with commercials-- run off to the kitchen and slice a few more celery sticks, make a drink, or a pit stop, and still get back in time to continue the plot. Cable TV (Livetime, in this case) knows well, and so helpfully shows you a SPOILER scene from the next act so you'll be sure to come back. Awful. I remember now why I watch almost no TV anymore. With any luck, we will get TiVo back in action in the next week or two.

So Chris and Kay are headed to Pocatello in October? Doug will be gone to his new job in Atlanta by then, but Renee and the kids are staying behind for fall semester. Renee has a teaching job, and Megan wants to spend at least one semester of her senior year in her current highschool. Their house sold immediately, so they'll be in temporary lodgings. Just a warning, Chris-- it may not be the ideal time to connect with them.

Mom, what the heck is a "shingle?" I thought for a minute you'd come down with a dread disease! I'm pretty clueless when it comes to hair styles.


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