Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Walk Tall


Here I am. It's Friday. I have worked my last Friday, so it was vacation. I slept late. I did my morning routines. Bill called proposing lunch at a nearby place we'd not tried: Merlion (Singapore cuisine -- enjoyable). Read. Napped. Read some more. Espresso. Lot more reading. Drinks. Hmmm... evening routines would be a good idea about now.

Reading is Strange/Norrell, which has now cranked up to the point of can't-put-down. Still, I managed to put it down long enough to write a long email (to Carolyn Burke Herb) and gather recent email to/from Mike Peak to frame one to him.

Highlight of the the day was arrival Mom's anniversary card: the beautiful pink bleeding heart scan note. These beautiful compositions of yours do take my breath away, and Bill's too. It's just too bad you don't have a real entrepreneur among your progeny, as you could make a bundle with these. You probably don't need a bundle at this point in your life, but still, the resulting adulation would be nice!

Thanks for the pictures too, Mom. Most I recognize, but don't remember ever seeing that one with Grandpa Soares, Dad and me.

Le'see. What happened in the interim? A wonderful dish of Garlicky Seared Scallops on Greens from Leanne-- helped greatly by some wonderful fresh scallops from NW Seafood-- on Wednesday. Last night, Outback, plus the first REAL (NFL) football game of the season.

When is the actual departure date?

Might be a good time to finish those evening routines, plus shopping/menu plans. Another Gator Football day tomorrow, so it's important to get out early and Walk Tall, or Baby don't get out at all.


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