Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

August and Everything After


Good thing I have this week off. Need to get recalibrated, plus a few errands, eg, when I went shopping yesterday, the rear view mirror came off in my hand. This is at least the third time this has happened. Well, in all honestly, I have to say the third time in 14 years. Doesn't sound so bad, does it. Still, a trip to the Ford dealership to get it glued back on will take half a day, minimum.

Got the sheets changed. They aren't laundered yet, as Bill staged a laundry marathon, still not done. First thing tomorrow for that.

I started reading Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge (and recognized that I'd already ready Chapter 4 somewhere... an IEEE publication of all places!) and continued with more of Strange/Norrell. This latter is taking longer, since it is 800 pages long and has linguistic nuances from the 19th century that require slow reading to appreciate. Varley and Vinge require only an open mind to where present technology will be Real Soon Now, plus, they are only 350 pages long.

Made a beef curry thing I'd been putting off for a few weeks (the cubed beef in the freezer). It wasn't bad, but nothing I'd bother to do again. I asked Bill what he would like this week. His first choice was a cassarole (!) using Dreamfield pasta. Okay, I can do that. Then he mentioned the sides I often do: 4-bean salad, Mexican slaw, fruit salad-- things I've done so many times I've grown bored with them and rotated out. Who knew he loved them?

Mom, don't worry about having to write something interesting, or transcribe something from the past. I mean, look at this day of mine? The seemlingly trivial details are what become most interesting later. Let's both just keep posting, even when it seems like nothing is happening, and nobody is reading. At least we'll know where we were and what we were thinking about in late August 2006.

I think you need to get into weekly menu planning. Do it on a morning when food sounds good, but for the whole week. Then, with the plan made, just DO it, whether you're hungry or not. I think you'll surprise yourself with how much you enjoy eating simple food you've made yourself.


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