Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Put Me on the Blogline


Missed a meeting this morning because Bill forgot we needed to leave early for it. Didn't really matter, as these things are just pro forma now. It was the first one conducted by Martha's interim replacement, my erstwhile boss. She is a nice person and has had the office cube next to mine the past few years, so I know her pretty well-- but there's really little point in trying to establish a boss/employee relationship with her at this late date.

Did make it to my 11:00, a session on RSS feeds. I really should work on putting one on this blog. They're pretty simple to do. The most interesting thing to me, though, was Bloglines, Google's browser-based RSS reader. I established one, then spent the rest of the day reading through all the stuff I'd subscribed to. Between that and keeping up with comics and email, that could shoot the whole day, every day. I wonder if the net really makes us more productive, or just overloads us with information.

Today was the official ribbon-cutting for the new building (and reception for faculty). I'd planned to go, but ended up opting for lunch instead. (The reception served cookies and lemonade.) Picked up a wrap-thing at the Little Hall round house on my way back from MSL where the RSS session was held. Best part of it was the little side of potato salad that came with it. I DO miss potato salad!

We got home just before 7:00. Didn't do anything toward dinner last night, but DID this morning-- spent a good 15 minutes sawing the frozen pork tenderloin in half with the scariest looking knife you've ever seen-- looks like it belongs on a chainsaw! Refroze half, put the other half in the fridge. It was perfect for slicing when we got home-- still frozen enough to be easy to slice into medallions. A wine, creame and caper sauce over them was very nice. I did Leanne's suggested side of a relish tray (cuke spears, radishes, grape tomatoes, celery sticks and baby carrots) with a veggie ranch dip, plus leftovers of last night's asparagus. Had this on the table by 8:00.

Forty days and less than an hour until R-Day. I need to get to work on stuff that has to happen before then.

Shoot. Just realized I forgot to put the magic olive in my see-through. Must remedy that at once! [pause while olive and see-through 2 is poured] Ah-- much better.

My clothes are laid out for tomorrow. I've thought about what to have for dinner, and have taken the chuck steak out of the freezer so it will be ready to put into the crockpot in the morning for a taco meat recipe. These will be tortilla-less tacos of course. Maybe I'll have mine on top of tortilla chips. The kitchen looks as if no cooking happened at all. (Yesss!)

I do love the FL water bottle, and will probably by a second one for work. The straw is a large one, so very easy to drink from. It's the perfect solution for the bedside water-- won't spill, break, or attract bugs. And great while cooking, as you can drink without having to put your messy hands on it. Mom, you should try it. You might overcome your straw = coke stereotype and find it easier to drink more water.

I'm also considering getting the FL dishtowels, something to remind me of my resolve to change those every day. At present I just change them twice a week when I do the rest of the towels, but it would be good to have them clean every day. Another thing to shoot for PR.

Bill is getting all kinds of sympathy at work for how he will cope with my retirement: how will he ever keep from killing me from pure envy that I don't have to go to work, but still get paid? I will have to tread very lightly for awhile and not rub it in! At the Systems staff meeting yesterday they asked if they could call me if they had problems I could solve. I said sure, as long as it's after noon! I imagne the sleeping til noon will get old after awhile, but I intend to test that theory rather rigorously. Look forward to my research project on the topic, coming Real Soon Now.


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