Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Splendid Sundays


Made a serious error in downing my computer when we left town. When I turned it back on, the loud noise was back, worse than ever. We know it can't be the disk drive dying, because we replaced that recently, so it has to be a fan either on the motherboard or the power supply. Latter is simple to replace, former, not so much. At any rate, it is so loud and irritating I can't stand to be in there, so am typing this on my laptop in the living room, my see-through at my side, my cat curled up in her tube, my man in the next room, WoW-ing. Things almost back to normal

Poor Carrot had another trauma today-- a visit to the vet for shots and a checkup. She has gotten quite thin, and we want to be sure nothing is seriously wrong. Won't know for sure til blood work is back, but they think she seems fine. As always, she bore the various indignities with stoic patience. Such a good kitty.

I did a couple loads of wash, then tackled my vegetable storage cart. I knew the last of Sandy's onions had gone south, but not THAT far (Brazil, maybe?)-- very bad news, and a long business to empty and clean the whole thing, tossing old tomatoes, apples, oranges, etc. The biggest surprise was that a fairly recent shallot was nothing but a shell hosting a bunch of tiny little worms-- yeachh! Once I'd done that, I decided it would be a good idea to start around the wall next to it and start tossing. I did the top of the low shelves and the little shelves above them. The change was dramatic enough that Bill actually noticed. If I can just do a 15 minute stint each day for awhile, I might regain control of my pantry. I'd been putting it off thinking I needed to start in the closet part, but probably better to start with what I can see.

Happy event this afternoon-- the FedEx truck dropped off my retirement present to myself. I'd ordered it about 10 days ago, forgetting that we'd probably be gone when it arrived, and was afraid it might get left out in the elements and be ruined, or stolen. It's something of a comics Grail: the ultimate Little Nemo collection, So Many Splendid Sundays -- printed in dazzling color at full size of the originals! I unpacked it to be sure it was intact, but have left the final shrink wrap on it. Going to save it until I am actually retired. Also, until I've cleared a proper spot for it-- as Bill put it, "It's not a coffee table book-- it's a coffee table without legs!" Sandy, remember the Little Nemo poster in my office? It's that size-- and another (different) poster came with the book. Happy happy joy joy!

I fixed a nice Leanne concoction of chicken and artichoke hearts topped with Feta, which we had over low-carb pasta. I swear, I think I like that stuff better than the real thing. I hope they don't discover it's toxic. Made a simple cole slaw as a side, and a plate of small chicken bits cooked separately for Carrot.

For the record, a little self-satisfied pat on the back-- a new Sudoku milestone. I did an online easy one today without using the annotation feature at all-- just kept it in my head. I'm amazed I could do this. There is hope I can someday do them on paper.

Thanks for the info on Shout Color Catchers, Mom (and Kay). That might help me consolidate some small color-segretated loads of tops and shirts that I hang up instead of folding. Sounds promising.

Practicing one piece over and over was always my favorite method of learning. I"m glad you're enjoying the organ again. And huzzah for Charlie, fixing that pesky blind-- whatta guy!

I have a couple of set pieces in mind about the trip: Glade Springs; Beckley The Boomtown; The Amazing Jewel; Moonbeam as a Travel Companion; and the Gates' Present and Future Abodes. I'm listing them here so I don't forget.

Because they're sure not going to get done tonight. Back to work tomorrow. In 47 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 42 seconds, that silliness will be at an end.


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