Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Yay Doug!


More exciting news here: Doug, who has been interviewing for jobs for quite a few years now, has gotten a great offer from Georgia State-- he will be the new VP for Student Affairs! We are all thrilled, and very happy for him. What makes this offer particularly amazing and gratifying is that it was so unlikely. When he was met at the airport for the interview, his greeter's jaw dropped open and she sputtered, "But we thought you were black!" There were several other indications during the interview process that a minority candidate was what they were looking for. But he prevailed, despite the prejudice, and he starts October 1. I think more frequent trips to Atlanta will be in our future.

Aftermath of the Library West opening continues to be gratifyingly positive. Here're some pictures from the opening and the Gainesville Sun's follow up coverage.

Sorry to hear about the unpacking mishap-- and after all that time, too. Most annoying. But at least your sprinklers are a go.


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