Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Northern Adventures


Wow, two wonderful and exciting posts in one day!

Thanks for the glorious garden update, Sandy. Indeed, it's garden paradise you describe-- the payoff for all your hard work so far, in it involves... lots MORE hard work. But as you have wisely noted, work = sanity, as long as you are your own boss. I hope the dire weather Mom describes did not do lasting harm. Good thing young Ben's visit was the night before! All that Sturm und Drang might be a bit much for a small person still trying to get used to overnights in strange places. Please keep us posted on how our friendly local produce survived. I love it all, and what wonderful pictures of Ben.

Mom, I hope you enjoy your bunkering in your bathroom-- it sounds to me like you are living in World War II London and expecting bombs. My advice would be, shut off the radio, and only go into huddle mode when you are frightened by what you hear and see around you. That's what we do here in Florida-- we'd live most of our lives huddled in the hall if we heeded every local weather alert. Good that Marty and Julia ventured out to check on you, though. And... turn on your cell phone during such times!

Just another manic Monday here. I brought a lunch (leftover pasta). Barbara wanted to go out to lunch (which I half expected). Unexpected was running into the big boss in the parking lot, and having her compliment me on the top I was wearing, at some length. It's a t-shirt with tiny flowers of red, coral and white that I picked up from a final sale rack at Target about a year ago.

Nice lunch at Olive Garden (Barbara's choice). Probably more pasta than Bill wanted but we all enjoyed it anyway.

Recovered access to TiVo tonight, and the dear is recording Eureka as we speak. I watched enough of it to decide it was worth it. Twilight Zone meets Twin Peaks meets Northern Exposure, looks like, in the brief bit I saw. That's enough to want to check it out further. But instead, I came here, and I'm glad I did.

Let the record show that towels were changed, washed, dried, folded, and put away. And further, that the Countdown is now under 68 days. Please forgive me if I obsessively post the countdown numbers here-- it annoys the daylights out of Bill whenever I mention it, as his numbers are so much larger, the poor dear.


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