Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006



Couple of good FL testimonials tonight: the one who listed all the things she DOES do routinely (I frequently remind myself of this in my head, but really ought to write it down, for the record) and the one that mentioned Sudoku specifically-- that doing them "as long as you want" is NOT self-nurturting. I'm happy to report I spent zero minutes with my 7/15 monster.

Again with the six hours of sleep. Something in the paper tonight about studies that show it makes you cranky, negative, unproductive and unhappy. Duh! Tell it to the institutions that insist 60 hours a week at your job is the minimum expectation. You get a lot of strung-out, angry, exhausted and stupid people working for you. I can't wait to leave this crazy mindset behind. 74 Days 0 Hours 34 Minutes 04 Seconds and counting...

I got back to my comics ads project today, but wasted a lot of time on porting the latest versions of PowerPoint drafts back and forth via CD-- picked one off the wrong stack this morning, a CD-R, when what I needed was a CD-RW. Oh well, at least it did the job of synching up what I'd done at home with work, and vice versa this evening. I'm set to work on it again tomorrow

Tonight we got home at 7:00. I had a Plan A (Easy Chicken Alfredo) that involved an actual Recipe, but was indeed easy. Had it on the table at 7:40. And it was quite good. The kitchen is back to routine shape, the bar maid has served two rounds of drinks, the cat is curled up in her Amazon box (her current favorite snooze-spot). All is well.

It didn't rain today. I never got the caladiums sprouting in the lawn protected, but Bill did it this morning, and so they survived the lawn-guys' visit. We've had enough rain recently that things are growing again and looking mildly junglish, and the mosquitos are fat, happy and slow-- easy to spot and swat. I dispatched four myself, and Bill a few more.

I never got my hair cut. How hard can it be to walk across University Avenue and into the little strip mall behind Florida Bookstore and have David (a great friend of Bill's) make it shorter? It's going to be so much harder to do it post-retirement (PR). And yet, it's hard enough that I put it off three days in a row. Sigh.

Nice you got to see Sandy today, Mom. A cabbage that weighed HOW much?? Good grief! That makes me think of the only comic strip today that made me laugh. I will try to post it here. (Click on it to make it bigger.)

Tomorrow is Thursday! I'm taking Friday off!! Five days until I have to go back into TankWorld!!! Seems like every day there is news of another unexpected departure. (Bye, Tatiana...) I would be willing to bet that more staff will have left the Library in this rough calendar year than any year, ever. Sounds like a project for some budding library historian. Are there any?


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