Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Here Comes the Weekend


Still here. But about to check out for the night. Let the record show that I went out to do errands on an official Vacation day, and spent nearly every minute since reading American Spendor (the combined 1-2 volumes), surprised how impossible it was to put down. Harvey Pekar was writing blogs (in comic format) before anyone knew what blogs were, and he had to find people to draw them for him. I've only a few pages to go, but will save them for tomorrow.

We had wonderful hard rains both yesterday and today, at sunset. Last night we got drenched getting from Outback to the car. Tonight Bill made it home just before the skies opened. The cat takes a dim view of all this, but we are pleased.

How are things going at the garden? Was nice to hear about Ben's planned sleep-over -- and also his plans for retreat if it didn't work out! How sweet that it was Julia's presence last time that convinced him things would be okay. Yes, there is nothing like a sister nearby to give a person courage when staying the night in the care of grandparents out at the farm.

Nice to have the daily life details of an American couple in Saalfelden, along with their snazzy new Apple computer. Keep 'em coming, Mom.

Still trying to catch up with sleep lost earlier in the week. Fingers moving, but connection to brain unreliable. Film at 11 (i.e., details over the weekend).

And so to bed.


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