Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 23, 2006



It thundered and rained most of the day, which kept it cool as well as helping ease the aquifer deficit. It discouraged me from going out on errands, though. We had espresso made with French roast, and it was different but quite nice. We can make do with it this week, I think.

Otherwise, I got a lot done: changed and laundered the sheets, did prep for meals later in the week, got the bathrooms and their floors cleaned, decluttered my coffee table stack and cleared a couple of hot spots. I call that a win. Got all my routines done too.

Another week ahead like the last one: into work Monday-Wednesday, work at home Thursday, Friday vacation. I find this quite a nice schedule, and am definitely more productive. A 3 or 4 day work week would probably work better for everyone in the long run, in addition to solving unemployment.

Tonight's dinner was a winner-- sauteed chicken breasts topped with a wonderful combo of sliced onion, diced zucchini, red pepper, celery, tomatoes and some chopped spinach, along with some basil and oregano. Spozed to have garlic in it too, but I plain forgot, and we didn't miss it. Had this with some REAL pasta (well, the low-carb type, anyway). I'm tired of spaghetti squash, and actual spaghetti tasted wonderful to me.

Watched part 1 of BG season finale tonight. Wow! Amazing I was able to stop myself from plunging into part 2 -- but that would make the wait for season 2.1 all the more agonizing. It should arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. The rest of season 2 is due out in September. I wish our AV were working-- I could get TiVo to get reruns I haven't seen yet. This is the first time I've actually missed the monster. That, and the vague interest I have in a new series on SciFi called Eureka.

Still engrossed in More American Splendor, about half way through it. The stuff about being on Letterman is a hoot. Sandy, I'll send you a DVD of the AS movie, as it's a brilliant and innovative film in addition to being a great introduction to Pekar and his work.

And happy to hear you'll be reporting on a slaw and a potato salad. Hope you'll also fill us in on Ben's Sleepover Adventure.

Mom, please continue reporting on the progress of your kraut. And I'll bet you were the only person in Saalfelden struggling over and Apple II back then! Talk about being ahead of your time...

I leave you (I hope) with a picture from south of San Diego.


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