Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Sleeping in Summer


It's official: Library West will reopen next Wednesday at 1:00 PM. There are still problems (especially with the Starbucks, that hasn't even produced plans, let alone started their construction-- will open too late to do me any good). There are other simmering issues that Bill has to deal with, but at least getting this fracking building open at last is going to happen.

Plan for the WV trip is week after next, but given what I know about all the various situations, it could be delayed still further.

Finished reading More American Splendor, and Rusty Witek's discussion of Pekar in his wonderful Comics as History, which I've read all of it now except his discussion of Jack Jackson.

Routines are getting done. While clothes were being washed, dried, and folded, the transition between Seasons 1 and 2 of BG were ... watched does not describe it, more like experienced, or endured. Great stuff.

It is hideously hot here too, but of course we expect it. Still, it's worse than usual. Our AC is hard pressed to keep up, and the nice cold terrazso is our friend for bare feet, and who knows, maybe it will be nice for sleeping soon.

Mom, my memories of summer in Iowa involve sleeping below ground (the basement) as the only place that was anything like cool. It was musty and dank, but at least it was cool. Keep your AC on for sleeping at night-- your comfort is at least as important as the kraut's, after all! And if I were you, I'd break a window or two in your sun room, then hang heavy reflective curtains on the south facing windows and keep them closed until the snow flies, or you get seriously cold, whichever comes first. These are cruel, cruel summers.

And so to bed. Maybe on the terrazzo.


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