Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Red and the Blue


Hmmmm.. should I Blog or watch Battlestar Galactica season one finale? A no brainer-- yet here I am at the bleepin' computer! The winning argument was, the DVD will be there tomorrow, a post today about today will not.

And glad I am now that's the way the argument went-- an event-packed day from Mom, and the welcoming of a new car into the family: Red! Goes so well with my Blue-- they're cousins, after all. Bill had to come in to see the pictures, as he's very car-oriented. He wasn't familiar with this model. Nice color! And of course, it would be right at home in a '30's gangster movie. Yes, real cars are sweet, aren't they? Every day I marvel at the ease of putting briefcase and lunch on the floor of the back seat, and stepping gracefully into the front seat without having to clambor up. Similar ease of debarking once at the destination as well. Let's hear it for Real Cars! And congrats, Sandy.

Mom, sounds like the ups outweighed the downs by a considerable margin.That sprinkler system is a big project, and you have to accept some delays. (Just ask Bill about how this works. And then be prepared to listen for a long time.) Your food choices today sounded good, and I'm happy you saw the indigo bunting finally.

I made myself do the third thing I'd been putting off-- actually something to do with my erstwhile job-- looking into what would be involved in cataloging some of these boxes of comics we've been accumulating. Officially, what we have now is the spreadsheet from hell (some 8,000 lines, but not formatted as data, alas). I picked a couple of samples, Action Comics and Walt Disney's Comics and Stories, and worked to extract library-type holdings information. It was ardulous, but doable. Labor intensive rather than data-driven. And management in the department where they're housed is "in transition." There are many obstacles. But it's a start.

Still dunno the shape of the days to come. Have probably worked my last Friday, except for Sept 30, but aside from that, it's all in flux. No fixed date for opening the building, so no fixed schedule for trip, or for how I distribute my remaining annual leave.

Whumped up a nice desperation dinner tonight: some leftover crockpot beef stuff I'd frozen made the basis for one of my favorite old standbys, 20 Minute Tuscan Soup. No matter how I abuse it, that one always rescues me. Tonight it gave me a couple of ready-to-mike lunches, and an extra hour (no chopping or other mis en place required, so easy clean-up) to write a few bills and read a few pages of More American Splendor.

Thursday tomorrow. I get to work at home and get caught up on professional reading, email, and drafting the comics cataloging project proposal. Sounds good to me.

And so (do I hafta SAY it?) to bed.


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