Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006



Tuesday, the new Wednesday-- the middle of my work week. I got two things done I'd been putting off: got my hair cut to shoulder-length-- the shortest it's been in many years. I'm very happy with it, and want to keep it no longer than this. David was stunned when I told him what I wanted, as was the girl who works there and knows me. Bill didn't notice until I mentioned it!

The other thing was making an appointment at Big Personnel at the stadium to do some pre-retirement stuff. It will be the week after next. I'd changed my annual leave schedule around to accomodate a possible trip to West Virginia next week, but looks like the new library building may actually open next week sometime. Operative word is MAY! No promises!! If that schedule holds, I'm hoping we can push the WV trip back two weeks so I don't have to reschedule things yet again.

Didn't cook last night, since we'd eaten a big lunch. Discovered I couldn't do the scheduled beef curry thing because I'd forgotten to get the required broccoli-- or rather, I failed to notice that I needed broccoli for TWO meals this week. So went with what I had planned for tomorrow: Leanne's Turkey Skillet with Browned Onions -- sez it all, except that the turkey was small thin cutlets, and it was finished with a white wine/ butter sauce. It was surprisingly good, along with cauli-rice and leftover asparagus (which we both like better cold, it seems).

Tuesday is also the day I don't have a routine FL committment. Spozed to the some Me Time scheduled. How come I never seem to find that? We got home just before 7:00, nearly 8 before I got dinner on. Clean-up and evening routines somehow ate up the rest of the time until the Bar opened, and here I am, blogging. No time to watch the Eureka pilot, and too late to tell TiVo to get me a season pass. At least the SciFi channel is forgiving, in that it shows things over and over, and TiVo knows about them all.

Oh Sandy, you poor dear -- a corntastrophe! I seem to remember than the one time we had a decent corn patch while I was gardening at F.E. we had a similar blow-down. It's heartbreaking. I wonder if it would work to string a sort of clothesline down each row to tie them to after the first felling? How the hell do commercial corn growers deal with this problem? And I didn't think your post was smug in th least: just happy with a bit of well-deserved pride.

My mind boggles at the picture of the cabbages, though! Somehow, I didn't allow myself to picture the reality of a six-pound cabbage. Holy Moly! Are you sure those things aren't on steroids? Seems like one of them would indeed keep you in kraut for at least a year, Mom! Wish I could taste some of it. I've never attempted my own kraut.

I envy you the dumpster. Bill priced them at one point and balked-- we could just load up Blue ourselves and... I know better. Not gonna happen. So it will have to be the 15-minute drill here. If I could ever get myself back into that declutter mode again. This has always been the hardest part of FL for me.

Glad to hear of your progress in the bedroom. It's actually what the Brits call a "bed sit"-- a nice enclosed living space for sleeping and sitting with its own bathroom. It's good you're thinking about sewing again, but don't forget your Nordic. A little bit of that each day seems to go along way toward making you feel happy and energetic. And I'm a weather fan too, of course, but sometimes it's good when the excitement passes you by. Just ask anyone who's been through a hurricane.

Time to take off the lace-up shoes and call it a day. My eyes cross at the thought of proofing this, so I'll have some cringe-worthy moments when I look at this later, usually in an attempt to figure out what I've already said, but sometimes as part of the morning interrogation:
Who am I?
What planet is this?
Do I have a job?
What day is it?
Do I have to fly somewhere? ...
You know. Everyone goes through this every day, am I right?


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