Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Red comes home

I always thought a four-day week should begin on Tuesday, since Monday is always such a drag. But when summer school went to four days with Friday off, that was o.k., too. Anyway, the four-day work week is much more civilized! The French used to know about these things, and still have a few clues about it.

Haircut a good idea. I finally gave up on wanting Sparkle Plenty (or Elsa Martin) hair and get it cut regularly. Helps it be a little more like hair. WVA trip should be fun whenever it happens. I am eager to see your new building.

So we got out into the corn early today. Discovered it would have been better to do it yesterday, but that's the way it is. It took less than an hour to get it all approximately standing up. Hope it does not happen again. We've thought about stringing some sort of lines, but Charlie says that corn is too heavy and would break said lines or pull out stakes. Anyway, the garden is somewhat back in order. Beans still holding off but not for long.

Dinner tonight was grilled chicken breastlets (Caribbean rub from FC 79), roasted potatoes and garlic, and grill-fried (in the magic Gorilla Skillet, a woky thing with holes that goes on the barbecue) eggplant, zucchini, onions, peppers and turnips. Only thing we bought was the chicken. Guess we know what we need to do next.

I don't ask myself as many questions as you do upon waking, Suze. All I ask is "what weird karma put me with someone who gets up so bloody-blinkin' early??? I don't mind six or six-thirty, but five?

So, Red came home today, and here he (some cars are boys) is. How wonderful to have an acutal car again!! These photos make him look bigger than he is.

This plate frame came from Mom & Dad from one of their train trips. By the time we took the Starlight (which we did twice) our perk was a deck of cards the first time and nothing the second. They were falling on hard times. Still a great, great trip.


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