Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Game Day


There was a Star Trek: Next Generation episode entitled "The Game" about a little stand-alone electronic game (tiny headset with speaker and eye display) that instantly addicted and enslaved anyone who gave it a try. It was the work of evil aliens who were using it to take control of the Enterprise and its crew, and would have succeeded, except that young Wesley refused to play-- he had too much homework to do, or something. Today, I found that game. It needs no headset, yet it is every bit as addictive and enslaving. It is called Bejeweled, and this is fair warning: DO NOT go to the site and download the "free trial" version. You have been warned.

I'm sure I'll get over it eventually. (Hey, I stopped for the night, didn't I?) I guess I was softened up for it's invasion by polishing off the Sunday Sudoku (level 3), then making a final assault on the level 5 of July 15, which I've tried at least 7-8 times previously. Today I finaly solved it. Only to fall victim to this new fascination...

That gives you an idea of what the day was like. Nice thundershower in the mid-afternoon, so it never did get too fiendishly hot, and there was no particular need to go anywhere.

One of those D'oh! moments when I took a look at the recipe I had planned for lamb chops: how did I overlook the bit about "marinate at least 8 but no more than 24 hours"?! After checking a few of my cookbooks and striking out, the 'Net came to my rescue with a nice recipe involving a garlic, lemon juice, rosemary and olive oil marinade, for only 15-30 minutes. It was fine! I also improvised broiling some zucchini spears, and managed to get that right too (for my own info, tossed with olive oil and Cholula spice, 5 minutes in the next-to-top rack, 4 minutes in the top of the broiler), and leftover cauli-rice.

Back to the tank tomorrow. My clothes are laid out, I have a clue about what's on tap. I hope.

Good luck getting back on track tomorrow, Mom. Want pep? Try Nordic Track and Organ! They're GRRRRRReat!! (The guy who voiced Tony theTiger died recently, which is why that quote springs to mind.)

Nearly 2:00 AM here. Need to make some zzz's.


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