Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006



It was 7:15 when we left the office tonight. Sounds like a Pizza Night to me-- but actually it was Bill's choice.

Monday, lots of rain. My boss's last official day at work, and she had an email problem/request that took me most of the morning to solve. I was glad for the focus, and a chance to document another obscure how-to that may come in handy after I'm gone. Mostly now I get trouble tickets for things that no one has seen before-- the Sys Help gang is learning to do what I do, and I must say, they are doing well at it. I won't be missed, as the specialty moves so fast that whatever I do know will be obsolete in a few months anyway.

Found myself chatting with anyone who happened across my path. I suspect that when I'm in the Tank doing volunteer work, I'll feel much freer about shooting the shit in such circumstances. Not having to justify every minute of every day to a bean-counter will be liberating, to say the least.

Good for you, Mom-- both NT and organ. I'm so proud of you!

We had two thunderstorms today, the latter of which made the lights go out for a few seconds. All quiet again, but sneezing lingers. A new month has already started, and I can finally switch over to the FL 2007 Calendar.

Clothes laid out. Kitchen in order. Ready to face the morrow, with any luck. Look for a report of the wo strange parties.



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