Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Future Illumination


Okay, no more talk about boring posts. If I only posted when I thought I had something interesting to say, this thing would have fizzled out long ago. What seems ordinary humdrum stuff now will be fascinating in the future-- look at the Saalfelden stuff just 20 years ago, and already it is filled with wonderful little details, like your struggles with the computer-- an Apple II! That is ancient history now, and you should be proud that you were on such bleeding edge technology back then, despite being in a small town in Europe! Just tell us what the day was like, what you're doing, reading, thinking about. It may not be interesting to you, but it is to me, and trust me, it will be pure gold in days to come. Think about how we all got off on Mary's diary.

In short just do it. And no apologies!

End sermon. Now for my BORING day...

Back to work. Nothing much to do. Meeting I was looking forward to was cancelled, so I went down to Systems (they are in temporary exile while the floors are being torn up and recarpeted and other minor repairs) and went around talking to people I missed seeing. Especially nice to talk with Cynthia and tell her how deeply I've become enthralled with Battleship Galactica-- she was the one who raved about it early on, and I took note. She was pleased!

Speaking of which, I watched another BG episode tonight-- one more to go, and then I'm at the mercy of the Sci Fi channel's reruns until Season 2.2 comes out on DVD in Sept., and Season 3 starts broadcasting whenever. Argghh!

Made a Pork Piccata that we all three liked. Sauteed some spinach with garlic and (since the stove was full-up with pans) miked some asparagus spears. All very nice. Kitchen all clean, sink all shiny. Yes, it makes me smile.

Changed and laundered towels. What can I say? It's just what I DO on Mondays (and Thursdays). Another real FL habit. My clothes are laid out for tomorrow. I checked the calendar and know I have a meeting about retirement stuff at 11:00 over at the stadium (UF Personnel has their offices in the Temple of Gator Football).

Hot Hot Hot today. No rain. The jungle still grows apace, though, which is good.

Plans for trip north finalized: reservations made for us up there, and for Carrot at Cat's Pajamas here. We will leave Thursday, return Monday or Tuesday. And today I remembered that we have been out of town at least once this year: Atlanta in April for PCA.

So then: work tomorrow, then off for a week.

Now wasn't that fascinating? Not. Just check back in 20 years, though and everything will be illuminated.


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